2019 COW Cup – October 5 & 6
Lake Shastina Golf Resort, Weed, California
Hickory players from California, Oregon, and Washington (and Idaho) are invited to the 4th Annual COW Cup. In the tradition of the Ryder Cup, the team from California is matched against the team from Oregon and Washington. The surfer dudes and dudettes have a 2-1 record over the canoe paddlers of the Great Northwest. Join us for the most fun hickory event of the year!
Tee times to be determined (approx. noon or later)
Chapman format
Teams of two hit tee shots, and then play second shots using their partner’s tee shot location. After both players’ second shots, the team must select one ball location from which to complete the hole using alternate shot format.
SUNDAY, Oct 6 – Tee times to be determined (approx. 10 am)
Four Ball & Singles Combined format
Two teams of two players play match play each other in four ball competition, otherwise known as best-ball format.
In addition, a Singles match of one vs one is run concurrently with an opponent from the Four Ball match.
Costs: Green fees $45+tax each day (carts included) plus $30 tournament fee to covers tee prizes and awards. All monies payable at the course.
Lodging: Lake Shastina Golf Resort. A mere niblick shot from the first tee, the resort has town house units available. Each unit has two queen beds. No pets permitted and non-smoking. Call (800)358-4653 and ask for Hazel. Mention “Hickory Group” to get the special rate of $94+tax/night.
Additional photos and write-up may be found here: 2018 COW Cup Results