Photos & Results
Results from recent events are posted below.

To celebrate the beginning of our 12th year of Northwest Hickory Players, 28 golfers came together on New Year’s Day 2025, at Bellevue Golf Course. Rain had been threatening all week; instead we had glimpses of sunshine among the clouds and no rain. The competition was a scramble and the whoops and hollers of the winning team could be heard all over the course as they carded 11 birdies for a net 52. The winners were Carl LeBoa, Peter Yagi, Jeff Lefferts and Paula Anderson. Not far outdone with a net 59, was the second place team of Martin Pool, Kevin Davis, Jackson Wymer and Tony Dietl. Great scores everyone! Our last place team members each got a sleeve of golf balls, which were donated by Dave Hall–thanks Dave!
Whether we won or were contributors, we all had a great time with our spoons and mashies as we kicked off another fun year of hickory golf in the great Pacific Northwest. Many thanks to Jimmy Bucher for his fantastic camera work and to Martin Pool for setting up the teams. And thank you all for playing!

Josh Lieb hosted this years’ Black Friday hickory golf event, now a staple in NWHP’s calendar. Winners were determined by net scoring. Conditions were chilly but the greens were in great shape. The Open Champion: ROBERT BIRMAN shooting 92 with a net 70; The Senior Champion: CARL LEBOA Shooting a 84 with a net 69; The Super Senior: KEN COLEMAN shooting a 92 with a net 70; and The Ladies: PAULA ANDERSON shooting a 113 with a net 81.

An intrepid gang of players gathered in Port Townsend on Sunday morning to challenge themselves to a 9-hole competition with just one antique cleek as their weapon. Before we knew it, the clouds parted and the weather became nearly perfection…low 70s, slight breeze, and Cirrus uncinus clouds against an absolutely brilliant blue sky. With two days of soaking rainfall leading into the event, it was a surprise to learn that the greens crew (at the now all-volunteer-run golf park) cut the greens that morning. The course was in good nick and the greens are possibly the best seen on the course in the past decade. Enthusiast Carl LeBoa bested them all with a brilliant round of 41 blows to take the 1st prize (a custom-branded YETI thermos). Two players tied at 44–Seth Williams and Jim Von Lossow, who had a closet-to-the-pin competition off the seventh tee. A flip of the tee designated Jimmy to go first. He proceeded to hook his shot half the distance to the green, leaving the stage wide open for Monsieur Williams to take second place with ease. All three took their own YETI home with the applause of the group. Most raved about the experience–now a staple in the NWHP calendar, and many thought it would be a welcome measure to move the tournament around the region. The host agreed. Half the field stayed and went ’round for a second nine with just their cleek as coyotes flittered across the fairways and numerous bucks and fawns followed suit.

The 2024 Columbia Cup is in the books. The new moniker honors the Columbia River, the ship Columbia that the river was named after, and Columbia Sportswear, our major sponsor. Sixty-seven players in four divisions played the 10th event on the Gearhart Golf Links in Gearhart, Ore. Not too surprisingly, the event was previously known as the Gearhart Hickory Classic. There were competitors from eight states and Alberta Province in Canada. Players traveling the farthest were from Alabama and Michigan.
The links-style course (1892) was in perfect condition – well, the fescue was pretty thick!! – greens smooth and true, stimped at about 12. Temps in the mid-60s with fog in the morning giving way to bright blue skies through both days. A gentle breeze and the sounds of the surf filled the air. Dinner Saturday night was enjoyed under the stars on the deck overlooking the course.; a perfect evening.
After the two rounds, the 2024 Columbia Cup champion is Brian Hansen, an SoHG member from Walla Walla, Wash. Runner-up in the Open division was last year’s champ, Ben Plaunt; and third was James Harper. Great competition for the prize. Net winner was Shawn Baker, followed by Scott Lonheim, and Jake Britt in third.
In the Women’s division, local player Chelsea Guenette took the honors followed by Sue Tracy and Kathleen Turner. Net winner was Paula Anderson, with Roberta Robbins in second, and Emma Guennette in third. The Senior champion was John Quickstad, followed by Ed Horvat in second and Martin Pool in third. Net Senior winner was Michael Sloan, with Seth Williams in second, and Eddie Johnson in third. The Super Senior Champion was John Henry Williams. He was followed by Ed Fitzgerald and Tom Tracy was the third place finisher. Net winner in that group was Steve Franich, followed by Tad Moore, and Lyle Rowland in third.
Next year’s Columbia Cup is tentatively scheduled for July 11-13. Information will be available when the schedule is set firmly.

The 2024 “Spud Cup” is in the books, and by most accounts it was a roaring success. Thirty-two courageous souls, dressed in knickers, flat caps, and long skirts wielded 100 year-old clubs in quest of prizes and eternal glory at River Birch Golf Course in Star, Idaho, on May 31-June 1. The expected sideways duffs were more than offset by some incredible performances in all flights (Open, Senior and Ladies). Perfect course conditions and weather led to record scoring in this second annual event.
Idaho Golf Association Player of the Year in 2023, Boise’s Burke Spensky, demolished the Open Division with a second day 68 (five under par), which included six birdies and an eagle on the challenging par-5 ninth hole. His two-day total of 145 was good for an eight shot margin over Walla Walla’s Brian Hansen, who only recently took up hickory golf. Spensky, for that matter, using just six borrowed clubs and driving the ball nearly 300 yards, had not touched a hickory club since his victory last year. Third place at 156 went to event organizers Tom and Sue Tracy’s son Mac, 35, who was playing his first hickory event using the other half of his dad’s borrowed set.
Senior Division (men over 60) honors went to John Henry Williams of Bend, Ore., who fired a 151 36-hole total, including a one-over par 74 on the second day. A former World Hickory Open champion, he was never challenged as second place went to Tom Tracy with 157. First net finisher was another new-to-hickory player, Meridian’s Chuck Horel.
In the Ladies Division, Sue Tracy, another former World Hickory Open champ, ran away with low gross honors with a 164 (87-77) total. She was followed by Boise’s Diana Sellers and Terri Nero, who tied for runner-up at 188.
The first day also included a mixed team competition, which was won by the “Au Gratins,” comprised of JH Williams, Sue Tracy, Chuck Horel and Sue McNab. Some claimed the team was stacked, but the tournament committee denied collusion or bribery.
Low gross and low net winners were presented with custom-carved, engraved hickory cutting boards, and various other awards were presented. Eight players had never played pre-1935 clubs before, and several others had only played once at last year’s event. Players came from as far as California, Washington, Oregon, and Arizona to participate.
Hickory shaft golf play is growing across the country and globally, with the Society of Hickory Golfers ( now having over 800 active members. The regional group Northwest Hickory Players ( is very active and anticipates hosting the U.S. Hickory Open in 2026.
Next year’s event is expected to be bigger and even more fun! Stay tuned.

We got the Seattle spring weather treatment, from cool and wet in Round 1 to pleasant and sunny for Round 2.
I think everyone will agree that Glen Acres CC provided a championship test of golf and celebrating the Glen Acres CC centennial just made the weekend all that more special. Saturday night at Round Table Pizza was fun with lots of stories and JQ handed out the specials awards for the day. The Sunday lunch in the hickory-era clubhouse really capped it all off.
Congratulations to our 2024 WA State champion, Isaac Minor. Isaac is a Glen Acres member so this was a very popular win!
Thanks everyone who helped make the weekend run smoothly:
– Jimmy Bucher for his usual great photos.
– Martin Pool and Jo Johnson for logging all the scores in and posting to the whiteboard.
– John Henry and Paula for helping with the scorecards each morning.
– Dan Harrington and the entire Glen Acres pro shop staff
See below for all the winners.
Open Division Gross scores
1st – Isaac Minor – 86-95 – Total 181
2nd – Jimmy Bucher – 94-89 – Total 183
Open Division Net scores
1st – Jeff Lefferts – 76-79 – Total 155
2nd – Monte Seyer – 83-84 – Total 167
Senior Division Gross scores
1st – Kit Ledbetter – 85-94 – Total 179
2nd – Carl Leboa – 93-96 – Total 189
Senior Division Net scores
1st – Bob Fairbrook – 84-79 – Total 163
2nd – John Quickstad – 80-83 – Total 163
Statesman Division Gross scores
1st – John Henry Williams – 87-90 – Total 177
2nd – Peter Yagi – 93-92 – Total 185
Statesman Division Net scores
1st – Floyd Lockie – 78-72 – Total 150
2nd – Omar Arambul – 86-78 – Total 164
Womens Division Gross scores
1st – Paula Anderson – 115-118 – Total 233
Womens Division Net scores
1st – Roberta Robbins – 92-88 – Total 180
KPs (paid $20 each)
Round 1:
Open – Jeff Lefferts
Senior – Kit Ledbetter
Statesman – John Henry Williams
Women – Paula Anderson
Round 2:
Senior – Kit Ledbetter
Statesman – Omar Arambul
No winners for Open or Women so $40 goes to the NWHP kitty
Round 1 Low Putts (won a WSHC-labeled “ball-licker”)
Open – Monte Seyer and Greg Goldstein – 30
Senior – Kit Ledbetter – 30
Statesman – Gary Smyres – 26 – Won $5 for low putts medalist)
Women – Paula Anderson – 41
Round 2 Low Putts (won a WSHC-labeled “ball-licker”)
Open – Isaac Minor – 32
Senior – John Quickstad – 27 (low putts medalist)
Statesman – Peter Yagi – 32
Women – Paula Anderson and Roberta Robbins – 36
Thanks again to everyone for playing the 2024 WSHC!
No write-up provided. Photos on Facebook.
No write-up provided. Photos on Facebook.

17 players turned out for what proved to be a phenomenal day on the course, with temperatures in the mid-50s and blazing springtime sun by the turn. The day began at 8:00 a.m. with a special opportunity to join the Historic Golf Mechanics Guild, hosted by Elmer Nahum, with featured speaker, Robert Gowland, author of The Oldest Clubs. Gowland shared stories of his time evaluating 17th and 18th century featherie and gutty clubs for Sothebys and Christies, as well as tips for constructing longnose clubs with methods replicating the oldest known surviving golf clubs. After a group photo at 9:45 a.m., pairings were left to devise their own wagers and game formats for the day, by group, with one winner to be declared per group at the end of the round. Of the five winners, it was agreed that Siri (the app) would chose one at random to be declared this year’s victor. (The day was structured this way, in part, due to a few drop outs and a mix–as a result–of varying threesomes and foursomes). Victors were host Robert Birman (Group One), Martin Pool (Group Two), Adam Columbia (Group Three), Floyd Lockie (Group Four), and Paula Anderson (Group Five.) In the end, Siri choose #2, Martin Pool, who was named this year’s “winner.” There were a few rounds in a low 80s, which was fine shooting for a wet course. We thank club professional, Bruce Christie, for hosting us again this year. There was unanimous consent that White Horse is an excellent place to play hickories, perhaps best when it is dry and fast!

January 1, 2024 marked the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Northwest Hickory Players and we brought the year in with style. Twenty-two golfers took part in a scramble at Maplewood Golf Course in Renton, under fair skies and 45-degee temps, not bad for January in Washington. A birdie on the last hole broke a tie at 71 between Team Nicoll, the winning team, consisting of Jeff Lefferts, Dave Hall, Seth Williams and Ghost Player Old Tom Morris, and second-place Team Stewart, whose members were Jimmy Bucher, Sandy Bucher, John Quickstad and Eric Matthews. In the tradition of The Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers at Muirfield, Robert Birman shared a bottle of Kümmel, a caraway seed, cumin and fennel-flavored liqueur, warming the participants’ hearts on a chilly day. Evidently Jackson Wymer needed one more sip, as his tee shot on the 6th (the “Kümmel” hole) was literally one rotation short of a hole-in-one.
The friendship and camaraderie heralded the start of another year of hickory golf in the great Pacific Northwest. Thanks to everyone who came out to play and a special thanks to Jimmy Bucher for his great camera work–it is much appreciated.
Mooooooo! Cow Cuppers (and others)!

The 2023 Cow Cup is in the books! The team from California/Oregon retained the coveted Cow Belt/Bell with a 12 – 8 victory over the invaders from Washington/Oregon/Idaho. It may have been my imagination, but I thought I heard chants of Ole! Ole! Ole!
Festivities began on Friday with nine-hole “Jigger Challenge” at the hickory-era Weed Golf Course. Using just one club, ten players took part in the skins game which was fun for all even as it began to spit rain during most of the play. Riley Wong, Martin Pool, Shawn Baker, and Eddie Johnson took away some of the cash.
Saturday was Day One of the C.O.W. Cup competition at the spectacular Lake Shastina Golf Resort. Twenty-one players took part in a Chapman format in windy (20-30 mph) conditions. Matches were remarkably close with three out of the five teams halving their matches and one team winning by a margin of 1 up. The score after Day One was CA/OR with 3½ points and WA/OR/ID with 1½ points.
Following the round, everyone gathered at the home of Steve and Jaci Viskochil for a fabulous evening of food, drinks, and merriment.
On Day Two, the winds had calmed down and with the temperatures perfect for golf, the teams met for their Singles and Fourball matches. Again, numerous matches came down to the wire with the CA/OR team winning 8½ to 6½. Final tally for the two days: CA/OR – 12 points, WA/OR/ID – 8 points. Tim Bell, Steve Viskochil, and first time Cow Cupper Tyler Cannon each won all their matches, taking home some cash for their fine play.
Thank you to all who took part. It was a blast!

The first-ever Gloria Minoprio Challenge took place on Saturday, September 16 at Port Townsend Golf Club, hosted by Robert Birman. A field of twenty players competed with one club (an iron cleek or driving iron) in a 9-hole event, all wearing trousers in honor of the great one. Conditions were most favorable for this style of event, as we enjoyed a brisk fall day (low 60s) and following a traditional NW summer, fairly baked-out conditions in the vintage-era fairways in Port Townsend, which have never benefitted from underground irrigation. The full field—men and ladies—played from the same tees, which were a blend of the course’s red and white tee boxes, at just under 2,500 yards. The host furnished custom scorecards and tee markers for the occasion, and many had so much fun that a second nine was played after the break for lunch and awards. Top honors went to Kit Ledbetter, from Lopez Island, who shot a remarkable even par for the round, with three birdies. Second place went to club pro, Gabriel Tonan, at four-over, and third place—following a playoff—to event organizer Robert Birman, at 9-over par. Two male players tied at 44 (Birman and Josh Lieb) and Kathleen Turner shot an admirable 45, so all three agreed to a closest-to-the-hole playoff from the 160-yard tee box on Hole 7 for third place honors. Remarkably, Turner and Birman tied at 16-feet on the first attempt, so a second attempt was had, and alas Birman prevailed. NWHP expects this to become an annual event, many players expressing great joy at the prospect of competing with a single low-lofted iron. The future of Port Townsend Golf Course is up in the air, at present, with City officials threatening to deny the renewal of the lease in spite of yearly operations since 1904. Shout out to 11-year-old Silas Kane who competed for the first time with a hickory club in his first year playing golf. He’s already had a modern golf hole in one! We look forward to building on this event in the future, and may combine this challenge with a differing format for a combined 18-hole event in 2024.

The Northwest Hickory Players’ 9th Gearhart Hickory Classic is in the books. 57 players from 10 states and Alberta in Canada played two rounds over the Gearhart Golf Links in beautiful weather on the coast. Mid 60s with some early fog and bright sunshine. Kinda windy (kinda?) the first day as the scores indicated but still two great days golf at Gearhart!
This year’s champion is Ben Plaunt of Edmonton, Alberta (80/79). Second in the Open Division was Chris Chappell of Austin, Texas and third was Stephen Henneuse of California. Net winner was Jeff Groshell, 2nd Jim Bucher and 3rd net was Brian Free (Brian won one of the KPs on #4 putting it to 10 inches).
In the Ladies Division, the Champion was Paula Anderson, 2nd was Sandy Bucher and the Net winner was Lisa McGowan. We missed Roberta Robbins as she was sidelined with a fractured femur.
In the Senior Division the Champion was Ed Fitzgerald, 2nd went to Don Jackson and third was. Ed Horvat. Net winner was John Quickstad, 2nd net was Dave Britt and 3rd went to Martin Pool.
Super Senior Champion was John Henry Williams. 2nd place was Peter Yagi and 3rd was Dennis Scott. The Net winner was Floyd Lockie, 2nd was Buck Barrie and third net went to Kyle Marvin. Note that Buck was also honored as the low player over the age of 80.
One of the highlights of the final round occurred with the arrival of the elk herd. A good number of the local elk showed up making #13 even tougher! After a short chase by the grounds staff play was continued. Such fun “at the beach”. Complete scores can be seen here.
Next year will be the 10th Gearhart Hickory Classic and the plans are already underway to make it the best yet. Hard to beat this one but we will give it a try!

Twenty-three hickory players teed it up at the 9th Annual Pacific Northwest Hickory Championship held at the beautiful Bear Creek Country Club in Woodinville, Washington on June 26-27, 2023.
Festivities began the day before when 15 club members joined us for a Member Mixer team event. In a two best net of four format, the team of Kurt Jones, Matt Stearn, Jeff Lefferts, and John Quickstad finished first with a score of 8 under 136.
In the tournament proper, Jeff Olsen, now a five-time winner, defended his Open title with a fine score of 155 on a course renowned for its difficult greens. Full results are as follows:
Open Champion: Jeff Olsen 77-78=155
Open Runner-Up: Steve Henneuse 78-83=161
Open Net Champion: Shawn Baker 75-81=156
Open Net Runner-Up: Jeff Lefferts 84-80=164
Senior Champion: Bill Pedersen 85-85=170
Senior Runner-Up: Peter Yagi 83-90=173
Senior Net Champion: John Quickstad 77-78=155
Senior Net Runner-Up: Martin Pool 82-75=157
Statesmen Champion: Kyle Marvin 96-90=186
Statesmen Runner-Up: Steve Franich 91-96=187
Statesmen Net Champion: Omar Arambul 88-80=168
Statesmen Net Runner-Up: Rick Lehman 83-85=168
Women Open Champion: Roberta Robbins 131-126=257
On day two, tournament organizer Martin Pool scored a “dodo” (an ace) on the 138 yard third hole. Martin used a gutty-era smooth face Stewart lofter to score his second hickory hole-in-one.
Northwest Hickory Players wishes to thank the membership and staff of Bear Creek Country Club for their hospitality and support of hickory golf.

Walla Walla gave us the full weather treatment, from hot in Round 1 to cool and windy for Round 2. Sunday night at the Green Lantern Tavern was very fun with lots of stories and JQ handed out the specials awards for the day. No one hit the green for the Statesman and Women’s divisions, so the $20 KP awards for those divisions carried over to Round 2 at Wine Valley. At Wine Valley all the par 3’s were available for KPs for all the divisions, so the competition was fierce. See below for the KP winners.
Congratulations to our 2023 WA State champion, Jim Von Lossow!
All the scores are below.
Open Division Gross scores
1st – Jim Von Lossow – Vets: 77, WV: 79 – Total 156
2nd – Steve Henneuse – Vets: 81, WV: 83 – Total 163
Open Division Net scores
1st – Richard Yagi – Vets: 93, WV: 87 – Total 180
2nd – Shawn Baker – Vets: 72, WV: 102 – Total 197
Senior Division Gross scores
1st – John Henry Williams – Vets: 85, WV: 86 – Total 171
2nd – Peter Yagi – Vets: 84, WV: 92 – Total 176
Senior Division Net scores
1st – John Quickstad – Vets: 71, WV: 86 – Total 157
2nd – Eddie Johnson – Vets: 82, WV: 78 – Total 160
Statesman Division Gross scores
1st – Lyle Rowland – Vets: 83, WV: 92 – Total 175 (won on a coin flip)
2nd – John Wise – Vets: 91, WV: 84 – Total 175
Statesman Division Net scores
1st – Franz Schwarm – Vets: 72, WV: 78 – Total 150
2nd – David McDonald – Vets: 84, WV: 81 – Total 165
Womens Division Gross scores
1st – Roberta Robbins – Vets: 107, WV: 111 – Total 218
Womens Division Net scores
1st – Pam Rowland – Vets: 82, WV: 85 – Total 167
Fewest Putts (bottle of 37 Cellars wine)
Vets: John Quickstad
Wine Valley: John Wise
KPs (paid $20 each)
Veterans Memorial:
Open – Jim Von Lossow (only name on the marker – no distance)
Senior – Peter Yagi
No winners for Stateman or Women so carried over to Wine Valley (Round 2)
Wine Valley:
Open – Jim Von Lossow (#6 – 12′ 11″)
Senior – Eddie Johnson (#6 – 7′ 6″)
Statesman – Franz Schwarm (#16 – 5′ 5.5″)
Women – Roberta Robbins (#6 – 22′ 8″)
Round 1 Side Game (net low scores):
First 4 Hole Challenge – Lyle Rowland
Last 4 Hole Challenge (The Gauntlet) – Roberta Robbins
Par 3 Challenge – Franz Schwarm
Round 2 Corkscrew Putting Course Adventure (for those hanging around after Round 2) – 18 holes
John Quickstad
Martin Pool
Roberta Robbins
John Henry Williams
Eddie Johnson
Peter Yagi
Richard Yagi
Shawn Baker
Front 9 Winner – John Quickstad (won in a gripping sudden-death putt-off with Peter Yagi after both tied with 18 putts) – $25
Back 9 Winner – Peter Yagi – 21 putts – $25
Aces (paid $5 each)
– John Quickstad – 2
– John Henry Williams – 2
– Richard Yagi – 1
– Roberta Robbins – 1
Look for the 2024 WSHC next year somewhere in NW Washington!.

The inaugural SPUD CUP is in the books! Thanks to everyone who participated and contributed to the fun and camaraderie.
Special congratulations to the big winners:
TEAM – The Bakers (Burke Spensky, Rob Ahlschwede, Mike Nero and Shawn Baker)
MEN’S CHAMPION – Burke Spensky (firing a stellar two over par 75)
Runner-Up Gross – Eric Larson (winning a putt-off over Jon Albright)
LADIES’ CHAMPION – Sue Tracy (in a tight one shot victory over new-to-hickory Diana Sellers)
Runner-Up Gross – Diana Sellers
MEN’S LOW NET – Eddie Johnson
Runner-Up Net – Tom Tracy (in a putt-off over Jim Von Lossow and Mike Nero)
LADIES’ LOW NET – Roberta Robbins
Runner-Up Net – Bev Banner
Looking forward to SPUD CUP 2024! Special thanks to Tom and Sue Tracy for hosting this event!!

The second annual Wager Cup was contested on a chilly morning in Kingston, though by the end of the round, players were in their shirt sleeves. The wager cup is a “wolf” format in which there is a guaranteed winner in each group; players compete for the most points in the game of Wolf. Winners were given a custom-labeled bottle of wine, compliments of host, Robert Birman. An overall points winner for the day is then declared that year’s champion. In this case, the event organizer, Robert Birman, was also the highest point-earner of the day, and was our 2023 champion, following in the footsteps of last year’s champ, Steve Franich. In Birman’s group, David Hall was next-highest points earner for the day–something seemingly impossible were it not for one member of their group who went lone wolf every chance he had. (In Wolf, “lone wolf” status earns the winning side double points.) It was a great day for golf and players seemed happy to play in an uncommon format, rather than stroke play, this early in the season. Points were as follow:
Robert Birman: 21; Dave Hall 20; Tracy Skinner 19; Franz Schwarm, JJ Jackson 18; Paula Anderson 15; Martin Pool, Eddie Johnson, Seth Williams 14; Kathleen Turner 13; Gary Smyres 12; Sandy Bucher 11; Ken Coleman, James Bucher 9; Roberta Robbins 8; Floyd Lockie, Shawn Baker 7; Carl Leboa 6; Jennifer May-Baker 4.
NWHP thanks Bruce Christie and his team at White Horse for welcoming us every year. See you next year!

The 10th Anniversary of the inaugural event of the Northwest Hickory Players took place on January 1, 2023 at Lynnwood Golf Course under blue skies and sunshine. After weeks of snow, rain and sub-freezing weather, seven teams of four got together to play a 1-2-3 Cha Cha Cha competition. Among the happy players, we introduced two new-to-hickory participants, Jackson Wymer and PGA Pro Aaron Lamb, who we hope will continue to join us in future events.
Team Ray, consisting of John Lavendoski, Peter Yagi, Seth Williams and Stephen Lavendoski, took first place honors with a team score of 115. Stephen, our youngest player, displayed a fine swing while posting an impressive score of 89.
Close behind with a score of 116, second place was captured by Team Ouimet, whose members were Aaron Lamb, Tom Driscoll, Rob Ahlschwede and Paula Anderson. Aaron, playing his first round with hickory clubs, made a great showing with a score of two-over-par 67, low gross of the field.
Third place with a score of 124, was taken by Team Morris, consisting of Luke and Natalie Sulpizio, and Eddie Johnson with an assist by a fortunate blind draw of Peter Yagi’s score of 74. Congratulations to all of the winners and thanks to all the players who welcomed in New Year 2023 in our first hickory event of the year!
After a two-year hiatus due to covid, players from California, Oregon, and Washington renewed their rivalry for the fifth time at Centennial Golf Club in Medford, Oregon on November 5-6, 2022. This year’s contest got a late start (too late by some measure) due to the fact that several of the players were in Scotland most of October to play in the World Hickory Open.
The weather forecast leading up to the matches was dire with predictions of 100% chance of rain. But as play began on Day 1, the rains stopped and the players were spared the wet stuff. Chapman was the format of play the first day. Needing a last-minute fill-in, Alex Jacobberger, the food and beverage manager at the club, bravely stepped in to take on Steve Henneuse in a singles match. With nine players a side, the California-Oregon team took an early 3-2 lead, with two matches being halved. Jacobberger, a first-time hickory player using borrowed clubs, lost 4 and 3 which was a fine showing against the California champion.
Day 2 format was singles matches with concurrent four ball matches. Once again, the rains stayed away and the day was pleasant enough until the winds picked up in the second half of the matches. One player remarked on the incongruity of tumbleweeds running across the green and damp fairways. The matches on Day 2 were decidedly unbalanced with teams winning by wide margins of 5 and 4, 6 and 5, and 7 and 6, and two defaulted matches. One exception was the Glenn Thatcher vs. Jeff Lefferts match which came down to the last hole with Lefferts prevailing 1 up against a fine player.
Feature player for the California-Oregon team was young Riley Wong, who, driving at times 100 yards past his (dare I say cowed?) opponents, dazzled all those who watched. Riley drove the green on the par 4 12th, mercifully ending the match 7 and 6. As the winds were in full force by this time, and having faced also the full force of the Riley Wong/Shawn Baker tandem, the two Robs, who were paired together, were only too glad to end the matches then and there to seek safe haven only to be found later quaffing a beer or two in the bar.
Plaudits to Albert Bruno and Eddie Johnson for garnering all three points for their respective teams. They were handsomely rewarded for their accomplishment.
Final score: California-Oregon: 9 points. Washington: 8 points.

On Saturday, October 22nd, 2022 nineteen hearty souls teed it up in the 2nd annual “Pacific Northwest Gutty Championship”, played via two nine-hole rounds over the venerable Meadowmeer Golf Club on Bainbridge Island, Washington.
Firstly, we would like to thank the membership and staff at Meadowmeer, who opened up their golf course to us for the entire afternoon, prepared and served us a sumptuous “welcome luncheon” upon our arrival, and generally embraced Gutty Golf with open arms, warm hearts and delightfully curious minds. Thanks also to our event co-organizers Mr. Christopher McIntyre (who, among other duties, created our splendid hand-crafted Player Badges and Championship Medals) and Mr. John Lavendoski who served as Master of Ceremonies throughout the day. Thanks also to Mr. John Quickstad for moral support, philosophical guidance and sartorial excellence. Mr. Q is the co-founder of this event and will return to our Tournament Committee in 2023, after a one year hiatus.
Festivities began around noon with a group photo, courtesy of Mr. Jimmy “Shutterbug” Bucher, but it was the Ceremonial “Driving In” Ceremony on the First Tee which truly captured the historic nature of the occasion. Gutty legend, Mr. Christopher McIntyre, founder of The McIntyre Golf Ball Company, was formally announced as “Gutty Captain” for the forthcoming year…to the rapturous applause of the gathered multitudes from around the Pacific Northwest…while the pageantry of the entire event was captured for posterity by noted Film-Maker, and sometimes Golf Channel personality, Mr. Robert Birman.
On this august occasion, Mister (now Captain) McIntyre made use of a sand-tee…specially molded by your humble scribe…which included silica grains collected from both The Musselburgh Golf Links and The Old Course at St. Andrews (thanks to a retrieval mission earlier this year). The well-known and highly efficacious properties of said sand, combined with the vigorous and free-flowing nature of Captain McIntyre’s swing, resulted in what may well be remembered as one of the most glorious Driving-In moments of the 21st century. As the video evidence will confirm for generations to come, Captain McIntyre unleashed “an absolute corker” !!
One young caddy, stationed down the fairway to retrieve Captain McIntyre’s ceremonial tee shot (at a distance politely described by onlookers as “disloyally close” to the tee box) was heard to comment (in mixture of shock, awe and admiration): “Gawd Blimey !! Old Mac really biffed that one right on the snout, he did !!”. Of course, our new Captain’s natural modesty prevented his commenting (officially and on the record) regarding the length of said drive, but the twinkle in his eagle-eyes, and the jaunty spring in his noble step as he left the teeing ground, spoke with more eloquence than any poor and paltry words could ever hope to do on such an occasion.
This splendid spectacle was followed by a few relevant remarks on “Gutty Play” from well-known gutty expert (and International Player) Mr. Robert “Kiltie” Ahlschwede…who was, as ever, resplendent in his “Sporting Kilt” and Scottish Bonnet. It should be recalled that, in addition to his annual commentary on the finer points of gutty play, Mr. Ahlschwede generously provided 18 hand-painted green buckets last year (each emblazoned with a white “Far & Sure” logo)…which were once again used as combination tee markers / sand & water containers on every hole.
With all the ritual proprieties concluded, our gallant band of gutty golfers commenced the tournament proper. Eleven players competed with late 19th century equipment and gutty golf balls in The Park Gutty Division. Four players competed with early 20th century clubs and gutty golf balls in the Vardon Division, and four players competed with early 20th century equipment and reduced-distance McIntyre “Braid Golf Balls” in the Braid Division.
When the final scores were tallied, Mr. Robert Birman posted an impressive round of 39-42 = 81 in the Park Championship Division to capture the Men’s Pacific Northwest Gutty title. In doing so, he was one of only three players in the entire field able to better 40 strokes during any nine hole segment. Mr. Birman’s game was razor sharp all day, and it was only an untimely double-bogey on #17 which prevented him from shooting a gutty-course record score of 79. As the scores were posted, it was much-commented-upon by those assembled, that Mr. Birman had only quite recently completed an extensive golfing journey in Scotland. Pundits of various and sundry stripes are now in general agreement that it was indeed this sojourn, to the ancestral home of the great and glorious game itself, which inspired and invigorated Mr. Birman’s own play, and which directly led to his Championship-winning form. Well done on a noble and noteworthy victory, Sir….and “Lang May Your Lum Reek !!!”…as they say in Scotland.
The Park Division Runner-up Medal went to Mr. John “The Stylist” Quickstad with a total of 39-45 = 84. This writer, who played alongside Mr. Q and was engaged in a spirited scoring battle with him throughout the day, can confirm that Mr. Q’s tee game, iron-play and putting were absolutely brilliant through 15 holes. Alas, Mr. Quickstad may have fallen prey to the well-known (and frequently insidious) danger of settling into a “match play” mindset…thereby keeping pace with a player in his own group, versus playing against the course itself. Sensing victory over the foe at hand, Mr. Q perhaps relaxed his steel-trap concentration ever-so-slightly over the final three holes, leading to a handful of indifferently played strokes (seemingly ‘out-of-nowhere’) which resulted in the loss of four strokes to par. It was this lone stretch of three holes which ultimately led to his undoing at the hands of the methodical and clearly highly-focused, Mr. Birman…thereby denying the crowd any possibility of seeing a playoff between these two fine players. Said author feels strongly that, had Mr. Q been playing alongside Mr. Birman, the resulting battle would have been epic…and predicts that the tee sheet next year will see these two fine gentleman paired with one another.
The Men’s Park Division also featured a “net score” competition which was won by Mr. Martin Pool with a superb net score of 74, playing off a handicap of 13. Mr. Pool’s card reveals very solid golf…with numerous 4s & 5s, and no score over 6. Well played, Sir !! The Net Runner-up position featured a tie between Messrs. Steve Simmons (playing off 21) and Mr. John Lavendoski (playing off 9), both of whom posted net scores of 76. Mr. Simmons was awarded the Runner-up medal via a match-of-cards tiebreaker, and is to be congratulated on his never-give-up attitude after some difficult holes early on. Mr. Lavendoski likewise deserves notice for his steady (if unspectacular) play, as he was the only player in the entire tournament field to have not recorded a score higher than “bogey” on any hole.
The 2022 Ladies’ Pacific Northwest Gutty title was once again won by Ms. Paula Anderson, who defended her 2021 title in repeat performance form. As was the case a year ago, Ms. Anderson’s determined mental game (enabling her to rebound from the occasional disappointing hole) and deadly putting were the deciding factors in her victory…this year over our runner-up, Ms. Sandy Bucher. Both ladies showed tremendous mental and physical fortitude during their rounds, as each played from the same tees as their male counterparts. They are both to be commended for their gritty play and never-give-up approach to the game. We look forward to 2023 when Ms. Anderson will be attempting to win the title on a third consecutive occasion. Until then, congratulations to Ms. Anderson on her Championship defense, and to both ladies for a fine showing.
In the Vardon Division, contested with 20th century clubs and a gutty golf ball, the gross score winner was Mr. David Myrtakis, playing off the gaudy handicap of “1” !! Mr. Myrtakis, who only recently relocated to the area from California, fired a wisdom-inducing round of 44-39 = 83 in this, his first tournament here in the Pacific Northwest. He also, very sportingly, elected (thanks to a last-minute ‘loaner set’ from Captain McIntyre) to play with pre-1905 clubs, rather than later 20th century gear…this despite the nature of the Vardon division rules which would have permitted him to used more recent equipment. Look for him to contend for the overall championship in 2023 and beyond !!! Our own Mr. Jimmy “The Shutterbug” Bucher, playing off 13, took low net honors with a net score of even-par 72, courtesy of an excellent front nine gross score of 40. Mr. Bucher was his usual steady self, with only a single score over 6 all day, versus four “3s”. Well played, Sir !!
The Braid Division, featuring a non-gutty (but reduced distance) golf ball designed to simulate some aspects of genuine gutty play, was won by veteran Pacific Northwest stalwart, Mr. Peter Yagi, with a highly competent score of 43-40 = 83. Mr. Yagi’s splendid putting continues to make him a match for any player in the division, and he remains a force to be reckoned with for many years to come. Net honors went to the player who dueled with Mr. Yagi last year…the youngest player in the field…Mr. Stephen “The Kid” Lavendoski who turned 10 years old just two weeks before the tournament. Young Master Stephen, playing in his signature 1890s-era flat cap and long trousers, fired an eye-opening net score of 70, playing off a USGA handicap of 26. It should also be noted that almost all of Master Stephen’s clubs (he plays with only six in total) were actually sold to him by Mr. Yagi himself…including one club which was delivered to him just that morning !! Congratulations therefore go to Young Master Stephen and a “Thank You” goes to Mr. Yagi for making this result possible.
Based on the enthusiastic reception evinced by each and every participant, we anticipate and look forward to playing this competition once again in 2023, and annually each year going forward, as an fitting addition to our hickory schedule here in the Pacific Northwest.

Congratulations to our new WA State champion, Jim Von Lossow! Jim and Gabe Tonan, from Port Townsend, tied at 161, then Jim won the exciting 2-hole playoff. Thanks to Jim and Gabe for providing all the drama! Players connected at Wenatchee Golf & Country Club for the first day of two days; the second, at Leavenworth Golf Club–both terrific venues for hickory golf and in stellar condition. Here are all the other winners:
Open Division Net: 1st – Jimmy Bucher – 143; 2nd – Rob Birman – 162
Senior Division Gross: 1st – John Henry Williams – 164; 2nd – Martin Pool – 169
Senior Division Net: 1st – Eddie Johnson – 144; 2nd – John Quickstad – 159
Statesman Division Gross: 1st – Dennis Scott – 170; 2nd – Rob Ahlschwede – 178
Statesman Division Net – 1st – Lyle Rowland – 153 (won with better net on Day 2); 2nd – Steve Dog Franich – 153
Womens Division Gross – 1st – Roberta Robbins – 213
Womens Division Net – 1st – Pam Rowland – 158
John Quickstad did a great job organizing the event and preparing some of the best looking trophies of the year. Look for the 2023 WSHC in May in Walla Walla.

As summer inches to a close, and under dry, firm conditions in the Northwest, NWHP hosted its annual Trophy Lake Hickory Invitational–this year missing one of the stalwart organizers, Rick “Tuna” Williams who passed away merely days before the event. His friend and colleague, Steve “Dog” Franich was solo host and coordinated a touching remembrance for all to share. 23 players competed in four divisions, with awards going exclusively to net results. Leading each division were: Shawn Baker (Open), Brian Pollock (Senior), Paula Anderson (Ladies), and Steve Franich (Statesmen). Prizes were given to top three qualifiers (and then some!). Runners up included: Josh Leib (2nd) and Richard Yagi (3rd) in the Open division; John Quickstad (2nd, Floyd Lockie (3rd) and John Henry Williams (4th) in the Senior division; Sandy Bucher (2nd) in the Ladies division; and Steve Malmquist (2nd), Albert Forgerson (3rd), John Wise (4th), and Rob Ahlschwede and Ron Mahugh (5th) in the Statesmen division.
Trophy Lake is a great place to play in summer–we hope to see you next year!

Contested during a west coast heat wave, it was a little toasty (94*) but we all survived the heat. Thank you all for the contribution to the Northwest Hickory Players Fund. We are now in pretty good shape for the time being. Thanks also to Pete Yagi for hosting the after round party at his home. Pete is a little short on hickory clubs (his house is only half full), so if you’d like to donate to fill the other half of his house, I’m sure he’ll be appreciative. Fourball teams were split into two divisions, Division One having a three-way tie at the end of the day! Winners were:
DIVISION ONE: (tie) Martin Pool/Dennis Scott, Lyle Sulpizio/Garylee Johnson, John Henry Williams/Rob Birman
DIVISION TWO: Franz Schwarm/Gary Smyres (1st); Seth Williams/Roberta Robbins (2nd)

The 2022 Classic is in the books. Great weather, great play, great times together for 48/49 hickory players. True to Gearhart, day two began with fog blanketing the course, but in typical summer on the Oregon coast fashion, the fog gave way to 70s and sunshine and a cool ocean breeze.
Lyle Roland’s ace on #15 was the tournament highlight for this year’s Gearhart Hickory Classic! Another hickory Dodo club member!
With 49 players from 7 states, the 2022 Gearhart Champion golfer is “new to hickory” Blake Snyder. Second in the Open division was previous champ Jim von Lossow and another former champion Gabe Tonan was 3rd. Net winner was Marshall Huston followed by Sawn Baker and Jeff Lefferts. The Ladies were led by Paula Anderson followed by Pam Rowland. Roberta Robbins was the Net winner. Senior Champ was John Henry Williams followed by Kit Ledbetter and Ed Horvat. Net winner was Ken Coleman, 2nd Net was Martin Pool and David McDonald was 3rd Net. The Super Seniors/Statesmen Champion was Galen Peterson. 2nd–John Willbanks and 3rd was Lyle Rowland. Net leader was Tuna Williams, 2nd Tom Driscoll and 3rd was Steve Franich.
Another highlight was the availability of caddies at Gearhart. The GGL has become a member of the Evans Scholar program and now have caddies available for play year ‘round. Good on you, Gearhart Golf Links!
We all look forward to next year’s Gearhart Hickory Classic—almost everyone’s favorite course for hickory golf. Playing at the beach is the best! Special thanks to the Gearhart Golf Links’ staff Jason, Z, Casey and Ian who met every need and made the event go so smoothly.
See you all next season.

It rained all night. It rained all day. As yet another atmospheric river coursed through the Pacific Northwest in 2022, the Pacific Northwest Hickory Championship kicked off on June 5 at the historic Skagit Golf & Country Club (est. 1919) in Burlington, Washington.
Forty-one intrepid players teed off on Day 1 for the ninth rendition of this tournament. As puddles formed on the greens and fairways, and as rumblings were heard in the distance, it was touch and go whether the tournament could actually go on.
At the end of the day, thirty-six players completed the round as five sought drier cover after nine holes. In the Open Division, three time (now four) champion Jeff Olsen held the lead with a score of 81, a fine round under very difficult conditions. In the Senior Division, a tight race formed with John Henry Williams at 80, Kit Ledbetter and Brian Pollack both with 81s. In the Statesmen Division, Tom Tracy shot 86, and in the Women’s Division, Sue Tracy came in at even 100.
At the tournament dinner later in the evening, organizer Martin Pool toasted Jack Wilson for whom the Wilson Trophy is named. In 2017 we received news of Jack’s passing as we concluded first day’s play of this very tournament. Jack was a true gentleman and a lover of all things hickory.
Rain turned to sunshine on Day 2, and hickory players returned to a much different golf course. Puddles had disappeared and, except for the inexplicable few, scores plummeted. Day one leader Jeff Olsen did ten shots better with a sterling round of 71. Kit Ledbetter improved by five to shoot a fine 76 in the Senior Division. Tom Tracy was four better with an 82 in Statesmen Division and Sue Tracy was ten better with a 90 in the Women’s Division. Final results below:
Gross Division
Open Champion: Jeff Olsen 81-71 = 152
Open Runner-Up: Steve Henneuse 88-78 = 166
Senior Champion: Kit Ledbetter 81-76 = 157
Senior Runner-Up: John Henry Williams 80-82 = 162
Statesmen Champion: Tom Tracy 86-82 = 168
Statesmen Runner-Up: Kyle Marvin 88-83 = 171
Women Champion: Sue Tracy 100-90 = 190
Women Runner-Up: Paula Anderson 112-109 = 221
Net Division
Open Net Champion: Jimmy Bucher 78-68 = 146
Open Net Runner-Up: Marshall Huston 80-70 = 150
Senior Net Champion: Eddie Johnson 70-74 = 144
Senior Net Runner-Up: John Quickstad 77-70 = 147
Statesmen Net Champion: Rick Lehman 77-77 = 154
Statesmen Net Runner-Up: Gary Lee Johnson 80-76 = 156
Women Net Champion: Jennifer May-Baker 75-86 = 161
Women Net Runner-Up: Roberta Robbins 90-79 = 169

Northwest Hickory Players celebrated World Hickory Golf Day at Meadow Park Golf Course in Tacoma, Washington. The playing of the Vintage Hickory Classic has been scheduled for WHGD since 2013 and this year there were 46 players for the celebration. It was great having many players making the trip from the Portland area to join in the fun of the day. The morning started cool and foggy for the 10 a.m. tee times, and slowly cleared to blue skies and warm temperatures around noon. Many players finished the round in shirt sleeves enjoying the warming temperatures.
There were 19 players in the Open division, won by Brent Hudgins (defending champion) who shot a fine 75 from the back tees (6100+ yards), followed by Marshall Huston and JJ Jackson. Net leaders were Quinn Allen, Jim Bucher and Shawn Baker. In the Ladies Division there were only 3 players with Paula winning the division with a fine 98. Second was Roberta Robbins and Sandy Bucher was the net winner.
The Seniors had 11 players and the Champion was Kit Ledbetter(83) followed by Martin Pool and John Quickstad. Net winner was Chris McIntyre followed by Ken Coleman and Eddie Johnson. The Super Senior division had 13 players for the event. The Champion was Rob Ahlschwede with a score of 82, followed by Steve Franich at 86 and Kyle Marvin with 87. Net winner was Clint Steed followed by Ralph Potter and Franz Schwarm.

We had a great day at White Horse in chilly conditions (37-degrees at tee time) with six groups squaring off for the inaugural “wager cup,” a new NWHP trophy presented to the overall points-earner for the day, in the format of the game, wolf. Wolf is a game for three-to-four players which combines strategy and chance, but best of all, it guarantees that everyone will partner with those in their grouping numerous times over the course of an 18-hole round. Many hadn’t played it before, but the overwhelming consensus at the clubhouse afterward was that it was simply a ton of fun. Host, Robert Birman, had six custom-label Southern Red Blend bottles of wine commissioned as prizes; one to the winner in each grouping. The scores reflect a fairly tough day on the links. Steve Franich took top honors with the most points earned, and was declared winner of the Wager Cup for 2022.
Place | Rnd | Wolf | Place | Rnd | Wolf | |||
Robert Birman | 97 | 7 | Roberta Robbins | 1 | 111 | 5 | ||
Carl Leboa | 90 | 9 | Paula Anderson | 112 | 4 | |||
Rob Ahlschwede | 1 | 91 | 10 | Sandy Bucher | 127 | 3 | ||
Seth Williams | 101 | 6 | Tracy Skinner | 109 | 5 | |||
Clinton Steed | 120 | 12 | James Bucher | 92 | 7 | |||
Greg Lunde | 120 | 10 | Martin Pool | 1 | 84 | 7 | ||
Jared Steed | 113 | 9 | Peter Yagi | 86 | 5 | |||
Derek Lunde | 1 | 99 | 14 | Keith | 93 | 3 | ||
Gary Smyres | 103 | 8 | Steve Franich | 1 | 95 | 18 | ||
Eddie Johnson | 96 | 7 | Rick Williams | 113 | 8 | |||
Tom Driscoll | 92 | 9 | Shawn Baker | 104 | 10 | |||
John Henry Williams | 1 | 81 | 13 |

What brave souls (especially Eddie’s wife Jo!) who came out for the McCormick Woods outing yesterday! The rain forecast was pretty dire and it did look pretty grim at the turn, but after half hour of drenching rain, it turned out ok. Thank you Paula for hosting this event. And thanks to Shawn Baker who came all the way from Portland to join us.
Congrats Ralph Potter and Dog Franich who tied for first in the Bingo, Bango, Bongo game. (Note to Rob Birman: No Rob, low score does not win in this game.)
Thank you also to Seth Williams who donated his $15 winnings to the Northwest Hickory Players. Our group does not have a membership fee, so donations to keep the organization running are always appreciated.

Our 2022 NWHP anniversary event was a success, even though it was rescheduled due to heavy snow on the 1st. The weather cooperated and it was a fun day. A special thank you to Rob Birman for the libations provided after the round–it was much appreciated. Thanks also to Steve Franich for the great munchies after the round as well. Jimmy Bucher’s camera work was splendid, as usual! As always, thanks to Martin for doing the pairings, handicaps, leaderboard and folding up that confounded banner!
Here are the results:
1st Place with a score of 131: Team Vardon (Marshall Huston, Rob Birman, Eddie Johnson, Roberta Robbins). Each player wins $40.
2nd Place with a score of 133: Team Morris (Carl LeBoa, Jeff Lefferts, Seth Williams, Floyd Lockie). Each player wins $30.
KP winners (each player wins $15):
#4 Men: Pete Yagi 7’1″
#4 Women: no winner
#6 Jimmy Bucher 19′ 4″
#13 Marshall Huston 8’4″
#16 Ken Coleman 10’7″
#17 Pete Yagi 2’5″

This year’s Spokane Hickory Open attracted 19 players from the surrounding Northwest. The fall weather was perfect, to also match the beautifully manicured and sloped greens of Indian Canyon GC.
Special Thanks to the Professional Staff and Restaurant Staff for their friendly service and great food.
The opening day scores saw a 74 posted in the Open Division by Jim von Lossow, followed by our new hickory Professional, Charlie Thurston with a 77,Teaching Professional at Fircrest Golf Club near Tacoma, WA.
The Senior Division Gross was led on day one by Peter Yagi with an 81, closely followed by John Quickstad [82] and Martin Pool [83]. Net First round leaders were John Quickstad [68], Floyd Lockie [70], Peter Yagi [70], Martin Pool [70].
Statesman Division Gross on day one leaders were, Tom Driscoll [80], Paul Murphy (86); Net Division Tom Driscoll [70], Paul Murphy [73], John Wise [74].
Ladies Division consisted of Our Stalwart Players….. Sandy Bucher and Roberta Robbins. Both Medal Winners.
Medals were awarded to each Champion and Runner-up.
KP’s daily, Tee Gifts and Daily Deuce Pot were included in entry. Deuce Pot winners were :
Day 1 – Steve Henneuse, Tom Driscoll, Erick Keating $60 ea
Day 2 – Tom Driscoll, Martin Pool, Sandy Bucher, Dennis Scott $50 ea
We were without many other NWHP players……. and friends due to health and illness. We look forward to your return. We are looking forward to Hickory Golf in 2022 and extend a warm welcome to new and old players alike. See you in October 2022 in Spokane!

The 2021 edition of the WA State Hickory Championship was held Aug 14, 2021 at Riverside Golf Club in Chehalis, a hickory era course first opened in 1927. Thirty players came out to compete for 1st and 2nd place for both gross and net scores in the Open, Senior, Statesman, and Womens divisions. There were very special trophies for each competition created by John Quickstad with help from John Henry Williams and Rob Ahlschwede.
The Riverside course played fast and firm in warm conditions, but that didn’t seem to bother several new hickory players who captured top honors in the Open division. Charlie Thurston shot a 77 to take overall honors as the 2021 WSHC Champion and John “JJ” Jackson shot a tidy net 74 to win the Net competition. We look forward to seeing Charlie and John back next year to defend their titles! In the Senior division, John Henry Williams took the Gross award with a 78 and KC Harrison turned in a solid 75 to pick up the Net trophy. The Statesman division saw two players repeat their performance from 2020 with Dennis Scott taking home the Gross trophy with an 80, and Steve Dog Franich securing the Net trophy with a 72. The Womens division trophies were split between Roberta Robbins winning the Gross award with a 97 and Sandy Bucher taking the Net trophy with an 80. The KP awards deserve mention because the winning shots were really tight! #6 – Ron Mahugh – 4 feet, 5 inches, #11 – Steve Franich – 8 feet, 7 inches, #13 – Larry Borgert – (?), and #16 – Jerry Olson – 6 feet 4 1/2 inches. Look for next year’s WSHC to be a two day contest as we continue to grow hickory golf in WA State.

On July 24th, twenty-two players teed it up in the 1st annual “Pacific Northwest Gutty”, played via two nine-hole rounds over the Meadowmeer Golf Club on Bainbridge Island, Washington.
Firstly, we want to thank the membership and staff at Meadowmeer, who opened up their golf course to us for an entire morning and early afternoon, prepared and served us a fabulous meal between nines, and generally welcomed us with open arms, warm hearts and delightfully “Gutty-curious” minds. Thanks also to our event co-organizers Mr. John Quickstad (who, among other duties, also created the splendid tournament trophies) and Mr. John Lavendoski.
Festivities began early Saturday morning with a presentation on “How to Make a Sand Tee” by Mr. Chris “Auld Mac” McIntyre, founder of The McIntyre Golf Ball Company. In illustrating the tee-forming process, Mr. McIntyre made use of numerous sand-tee molds, hand-crafted by none-other than himself, which he then generously presented to every participant as their “tee prize”. Note: Mr. McIntyre also generously provided six loaner sets of gutty clubs to those players who did not possess their own 19th century clubs.
This was followed by a few relevant remarks on Gutty play by well-known Gutty expert (and International Player) Mr. Robert “Kiltie” Ahlschwede….who was resplendent in a light grey (and fully-vented) ‘Sporting Kilt’ & Scottish Bonnet. In addition to his guidance on some of the finer points of gutty play, Mr. Ahlschwede also generously provided 18 hand-decorated buckets for this event, each emblazoned with a white “Far & Sure” logo. These were used as combination tee markers / sand & water containers at each hole. Thank you, Kiltie !!
Sixteen players competed with late 19th century equipment and Gutty golf balls in The Park Gutty Division. Three players competed with early 20th century equipment and Gutty golf balls in the Vardon Division, and three players competed with early 20th century equipment and reduced-distance McIntyre “Braid Golf Balls” in the Braid Division.
When the final scores were tallied, Mr. Ray “The Beard” Tokareff of Desert Hot Springs, California posted an impressive round of 39-44 = 83 in the Park Championship Division to capture the inaugural Men’s Pacific Northwest Gutty title. In doing so, he was the only player in the field able to break 40 with a Gutty golf ball for either nine hole segment. Congratulations to Ray on a richly deserved victory as well as what is quite possibly the MOST impressive beard and mustache in the world of hickory golf !! The runner-up (in both this year’s golf and mustache categories) was Mr. John “Ted Ray” Lavendoski of Bainbridge island, Washington with a total of 43-42 = 85. John plans to work on both his game and his facial hair for the 2022 event.
The Ladies’ title was won by Ms. Paula Anderson, whose consistent play, and inspired putting, proved to be the deciding factor in a hard-fought battle with runner-up, Ms. Roberta Robbins. Both ladies showed tremendous mental and physical fortitude in their rounds, as each played from the same tees as their male counterparts. Congratulations to Ms. Anderson on the victory, and to both ladies for a superb showing.
The Park Division also featured a “net score” competition which was won by Mr. Seth “The Kid” Williams of Shelton, Washington, with an excellent net score of 71. Mr. Williams’ round featured 17 very steady holes…with but a single hole of the dreaded “other” variety, marring his card. Mr. Williams, who played in a period-correct golfing jacket, is to be congratulated both for his solid play, and also his fortitude in finishing strongly over the final four holes, after the aforementioned “other”. Way to hang in there, sir !! The net runner-up position featured a tie between Messrs. Floyd Lockie, and Steve Simmons, both of whom posted net scores of 73. Mr. Simmons was awarded the trophy via a match-of-cards tiebreaker, but both men deserve mention for their excellent play and their sporting attitudes.
In the Vardon Division, contested with 20th century clubs and a Gutty golf ball, the winner was none other than our intrepid photographer, Mr. Jimmy “Shutterbug” Bucher, with a steady round of 41-43 = 84. Mr. Bucher’s camera-work can be seen in the photo archive of this event. Mr. Stephen Malmquist, playing off 19, took low net honors with an eye-popping net total of 67, courtesy of an excellent back nine gross score of 41.
The Braid Division, featuring a non-Gutty (but reduced distance) golf ball designed to simulate some aspects of genuine Gutty play, was won by newcomer, Mr. David “The Tiger” Eaton, with a SENSATIONAL score of 34-39 = 73. Notice has definitely been served to all and sundry by Mr. Eaton, with regards to future hickory competitions…as the man is clearly a “Player”. Net honors went to Mr. Pete “The Samurai” Yagi with a highly respectable net score of 78, especially as he was playing off a single-digit handicap of just 6.
Based on the enthusiastic response evinced by each and every participant, we eagerly anticipate playing this competition annually each Summer hereafter, as a fitting and proper addition to our hickory schedule here in the Pacific Northwest.

Perfect peak summer conditions greeted players at the 2021 Trophy Lake Invitational, hosted by Steve Franich. New recruit and Iowa transplant Josh Leib took first honors with a gross score of 86 – well played! Gilles “Goose” Guenette won low net honors with a net score of 76. Senior Division champs were Peter Yagi (gross/88) and Ken Coleman (net/67). Statesman winners were Steve Franich (gross/82), Tom Driscoll (gross/87), Rob Ahlschwede (net/70) and Rick “Tuna” Williams (net/74), and Women’s Division winner was Paula Anderson with a fine score of 108/82. Players met for dinner at the Franich home afterward for conviviality and BBQ prepared by Mr. Williams himself.

Fifty-six players, a new record in the Pacific Northwest, teed it up for the 7th annual Pacific Northwest Hickory Championship held at Longview Country Club (est. 1923) in Longview, Washington on June 18-20.
Festivities began on Friday with a fun team competition of best two net of four. We had eight members from the host club who joined us to try their hands at hickory golf for the first time. We want to thank the membership at the club who welcomed us with open arms.
On Saturday, John Quickstad kicked off the tournament with a ceremonial tee shot using his grandfather’s mashie. Under immense pressure with 70 onlookers, including press cameras, John hit a beautiful shot right down the middle. John’s grandfather, Reynolds “Herb” Hoover, was a member at Longview Country Club during the 1920s and 30s and reportedly held the course record at one time.
When the final scores were tallied, Matt Stovall from Arizona shot an impressive two rounds of 75-73 to capture the Open Division title from our three-time champion Jeff Olsen. Matt’s daughter Rylee Stovall’s 87-86 took the Women’s Open title, John Henry Williams the Senior title with a 78-78, and Dennis Scott captured the Statesmen title with a score of 82-83.
On the net side, Brad Harvey was the Open Net Champion, Floyd Lockie the Senior Net Champion, Steve “Dog” Franich the Statesmen Net Champion, and Ellie Lathrop, Longview member and first-time hickory player, was the Women’s Net Champion.
We were happy to see local press coverage of our event in the Longview Daily News, which can be read here: “Frozen In Time”
It was another successful Hickory event last Sunday at Glendoveer! Martin Pool won the prize for the low round adjusted on the front, where as, Brent Hudgins and Buck Barrie tie for low round adjusted on the back.
There were two eagles (Martin and Brent) both of which came on the on the sixteenth hole. One of our new comers (Aric Goe) also scored himself his one set of “sticks”, thanks to Peter Yagi!
It was a lot of fun organizing these events, and thank you to everyone who came out and played some amazing rounds of golf. Looking forward to setting up some more events in the future. See you all at the Oregon Hickory Open!
It’s was another success hickory outing, although the course was long and played on the difficult side. Rob Ahlschwede recorded an ace on number five. Peter Yagi won low round adjusted on the front and Kevin Austero and Brent Hugdins split the prize on the Back. Looking forward to the next one at Glendoveer!
Brandon Bunke reports a successful first Oregon hickory event of the season at Oregon City Golf Club! We had a group of ten, with three guys enjoying their first hickory event, and one player his first ever time swing hickory clubs! One of our newcomers even won the cash for low round adjusted on the front, Anthony Burgess (37.5), and KC Harrison (35). The weather was beautiful and the company was even better! Looking forward to the next event at Eastmoreland.
Brandon: 39, 37
Anthony: 37.5, 38.5
Peter: 38, 40
Brad: 43.5, 41.5
KC: 43, 35

22 players joined in on a cloudy but dry March morning for a tune-up round to mark the start of the serious spring golfing season. We had a strong number of new hickory players with us for this event, which is such an encouraging sign for the year ahead. Interest and enthusiasm is at an all-time high. White Horse is a perennial venue for NWHP, but most agree that it is on the harder side for hickory-era equipment. Thumbs up to Martin Pool for a cool 83, with a 38 on the back nine. Nearly all the players lingered on the site’s expansive back patio after the round for drinks and good cheer. A new gutty event in July was announced as well as final-stage planning for the 2021 season-long Goose Cup. The NWHP calendar is quite full this summer and fall, in part as NWHP is hosting the 2021 U.S. Hickory Open at Gearhart in September. Thanks, as well to Jim Bucher for handling photo responsibilities. We all look forward to gathering for the May 1 Vintage Classic in Tacoma!
We were fortunate as it turned out to be a nice sunny day even though the weather hasn’t been too good lately. It didn’t look too promising when we had 8 inches of snow less than a week ago! The greens were incredibly smooth and fast for a public track this time of year. Even though it’s a par 3 course most thought it to be a fun venue and good test of your game. Kudos to Don Mojean and his staff! The competition was low net front and back with congrats to Paula Anderson shooting a great 34/12, 22 net on the front and Brandon Bunke the back with a 35/10, 25 net. I must note that Paula played the same tees as the men and beat a lot of us scratch! We also had a small swap and shop after the event with Rob, John Henry and myself (Peter) exhibiting some wares. Many went home with some new tools to help us shoot better next time!
Scores in tee order
Pete Yagi 31/32, 63
Brent Hudkins 36/33, 69
Paula Anderson 34/36, 70
JH Williams 31/36, 67
Rob A 31 (just played 9)
Gary Smyres 37/34, 71
Jeff Groshell 33/32, 65
Ron McHugh 38/37, 75
JJ Jackson, 35/37, 72
Franz Schwarm, 33/37, 70
Seth Williams 38/37, 76
Brian Hughes 35/40, 75
Garylee Johnson, 36/30, 66
Brandon Bunke 40/35, 75
Dave Hall 36/41, 77
For our January event we had a glorious winter day, balmy with virtually no wind or rain. A real ‘Chambers’ of Commerce Day as Sean Free put it. Organizer Peter Yagi admitted to praying for a little for good weather when the weather forecast said 100% chance of rain a week or so ahead. We booked a full field of 48 players Saturday until a couple people dropped out at the end, 12 the second day when it did rain some.
Unfortunately the staff directed players to drive down to the lower lot so many didn’t stop by the clubhouse to turn in their scores or pay their entry fees. Thus the cash prizes were cut down a bit but the prizes were enhanced with free Gearhart hickory calendars and I gave away some pictures and cups to all that wanted them. We do have a limited supply of calendars left over for $10 each. The donation portion of the entry fees covered the cost of the calendars.
Low Gross: Dan Nelson 75, great score!
2nd Low Gross: Brian Free 79, from the tough Oregon contingent
Low Net: Stephen Lavendoski 107 -39 hdcp net 68, Our newest and youngest hickory player, only 8 years old!
2nd Low Net: Adam Columbia 79 -7, net 72, another new, fine player

We had a great fall day at Maplewood GC for our Black Friday Hickory event. The competition was two best net of foursome. A hearty welcome to our new players Todd Lehman (Rick Lehman’s son), Torin Dooley (Gerry McFaul’s son-in-law), and Tom Jenkins (Mark Persinger’s father-in-law).
Team Park (Huston, Driscoll, Smyres, and Anderson) squeaked out a one stroke victory with a team score of 130 and earned $35 per player. Second place went to Team Vardon (McFaul, Dooley, Lehman, and Lehman) earning $25 each. Marshall Huston turned in the low gross score of 82 and Gerry McFaul the low net score of 68. No money, but an attaboy clap on the back for those fine scores.

The weather held up nicely and it seems everyone had a good time. This was for you Northenders since it seems the majority of the events seem to be in the south end. Drum roll please, the winners are….
- Steve Franich 1st low net 86-16, net 70 (featured a fine 39 back side). Martin says he’s too fat, and needs his handicap reduced too.
- Steve Malmquist 86-14, net 72, playing some fine golf these days.
- Tie for low putts with 30
- Jeff Lefferts (he borrowed one of my putters so I should get part of it, next time I’ll ask for a drink)
- Marshall Huston – a newcomer who can putt and he hits the ball good too!
Would appreciate some feedback on the course, if everyone liked it, we’ll do it again next year. Personally I think it’s a great hickory course, very fun to play. Peter Yagi is currently working on getting us a special deal at Chambers Bay with the help of Dave Hall who works there. Probably the end of January.

Twenty-four (minus one) players showed up on a chilly October day to contest for the inaugural Emerald Rose Cup, a match between team representing Portland (Oregon) and team representing Seattle (Washington). The format was singles matches concurrent with fourball matches played straight up (no handicaps) played on the historic Rose City Golf Course (est. 1923) in Portland, Oregon.
The Portland team came out strong holding a 6 1/2 points to 4 1/2 points advantage after the first four groups. However, the final two groups saved the day for the Seattle team by sweeping the matches for a final total of Seattle: 10 1/2 points and Portland: 6 1/2 points.
We welcomed several first and second time new players on the Portland side including: Brad Harvey, Mark Hatala, Brian Free, Joe Martinbianco, and Brandon Bunke. On the Seattle side, we were honored to have Chris McIntyre join us in a Northwest Hickory Players event. We hope to see all of them again soon.
Special thanks to Pete Yagi for organizing and for the pizza and beer. A number of you picked up some nice clubs.
The winners of the 2020 Foster Fourball are:
Division 1:
1st: Sean Free / Rob Ahlschwede shot 57(!) and won $50 each
2nd: John Lavendoski / Garylee Johnson shot 62 and won $30 each.
Division 2:
1st: Franz Schwarm / Seth Williams shot 62 and won $50 each
Tie 2nd: Gary Smyres / Jim Coons shot 63 and won $15 each
Tie 2nd: John Wise / Larry Borgert shot 63 and won $15 each
Thank you also to those who donated to the Northwest Hickory Players Fund. We collected $85. Since our group does not have annual dues, your donations help defer costs for NWHP web site hosting, advertising, sponsorships, banners, trophies, supplies, etc.

Thirty-one players met for the 8th annual Gearhart Hickory Classic. Covid-19 kept the entries down from the usual 45+players, but contestants found the weather near perfect with partly cloudy skies, temps in the 60s early, breaking into the 70s by midafternoon. Evenings cool with dew and maybe a drizzle did not keep the greens from running to 13 on the first day and 12 on the second. Those fast greens were rolling true and the rest of the course in the best condition.
Many players were challenged by the speed of the greens both in putting and making approach shots to the slick surfaces, as well as the tall fescue in the rough. These challenges caused some elevation in the scoring but the competition remained keen and most players indicated it was another fine Gearhart Hickory Classic. No sign of the elk herd this year. They must have been off scouting greener pastures, or social distancing. Usually the elk add a bit of excitement as they amble across the course mid-round.
Eventual winner and new champion was Gabe Tonan from Port Townsend, Wash., who shot a fine 74/81 for a 155 total. Second place went to Jeff Olsen, the defending champ from Shoreline, Wash. Jeff shot 78/80 to finish at 158. It should be noted that first-time hickory player, Sean Free, playing with a borrowed set shot 86/82 for the third-place total of 161.
In the Ladies Division, Roberta Robbins was crowned the champion and Sandy Bucher as runner up. First-time player Emma Guenette finished third.
In the Senior Division, John Henry Williams finished with an 88/75 for 163. Besides doing spectacular club restoration work, he can play! Runner-up was Peter Yagi with 177, followed by Bill Pedersen at 178.
The Super Seniors were led by champion Dennis Scott at 179, followed by Tom Driscoll with 181 and Mike Kosich at 187.
Defending U.S. Hickory Open Champion Rick Woeckener traveled all the way from Ohio, presumably to check the 2021 U.S. Hickory Open venue, and happily, he played well after all the travel. It was great to have Rick with us to celebrate this annual event.
2021 will find the Gearhart Hickory Classic on hiatus as the Northwest Hickory Players are scheduled to host the SoHG’s U.S. Hickory Open at Gearhart, Sept. 12-14. Check out the NW Hickory Players Facebook page and their website for photos of this year’s play to see the beauty of the Gearhart Golf Links to get a taste of what you may face if you choose to enter in ’21. We look forward to hosting the Society for the 14th U.S. Hickory Open.

Thirty-five hickory players teed it up June 13-14 in the 6th annual Pacific Northwest Hickory Championship. This year’s tournament was contested at Eagle’s Pride Golf Course, formerly known as Fort Lewis Golf Course, a hickory-era military course in Dupont, Wash.
After hunkering in the bunker for so long, it was good to see and enjoy the company of hickory friends once again and heartily welcome to new friends who joined us this year.
Day One started ominously with heavy rain. By the time players hit the second hole, the greens were flooded and it was touch and go, or wade and go. But then the heavens showed mercy and the field was able to finish in relative dryness. Day Two was back to sunshine and warmth.
In the Open Division, Andrew von Lossow wrested the title away from three-time champion Jeff Olsen with a fine score of 75-76=151 on a long and difficult course. This was “Young” von Lossow’s first appearance in this championship, and we hope to see him back next year to defend his title. His father, (do we dare say “Old”?) Jim von Lossow captured the title in 2015 and 2016. The legend of Young Tom Morris and Old Tom Morris lives on here in the Great Northwest via Young Von and Old Von.
In the Senior Division, Tom Tracy from Idaho recaptured his title from last year’s champion John Henry Williams with a score of 81-79=160.
In the Statesmen Division, Steve “Dog” Franich surprised everyone with a spectacular round of 87-94=181.
In the Women’s Division, Sue Tracy won for the third time in a row with a fine round of 99-96=195.
Congratulations to this year’s champions and runner-ups.
Open Division:
Champion: Andrew von Lossow
Runner-Up: Jeff Olsen
Net Champion: Jimmy Buecher
Net Runner-Up: John Lavendoski
Senior Division:
Champion: Tom Tracy
Runner-Up: Brian Pollack
Net Champion: Tracy Skinner
Net Runner-Up: Bill Pedersen
Statesmen Division:
Champion: Steve “Dog” Franich
Runner-Up: Dennis Scott
Net Champion: Craig Healy
Net Runner-Up: John Wise
Women’s Division:
Champion: Sue Tracy
Runner-Up: Paula Anderson
Net Champion: Sandy Buecher
Net Runner-Up: Roberta Robbins
Click here for photos.
On the first 60-degree day of 2020, amidst the coronavirus pandemic, but before a government-issued decree to shelter in place, fourteen spry Northwest Hickory players gathered at Gold Mountain Olympic course for a good walk, 6-feet astride, for a hazy front nine, and a sunny, cloud-free closing stretch. The fair weather types played from the gold tees, while those less at risk from the virus (aka, the young guns) played from the whites (that would be Rob and Goose). The clubhouse was closed and constantly spraying door handles. One guy in the mens room felt it was acceptable to simply walk away from the hot water tap, while it was open full bore, evidently feeling he didn’t need to stoop to retouch the handle. That is a massive jackass move, for the record. There is no accounting for intellect in these times. Our group did their part of stay smart and I suspect we all felt it was a positive thing to get some vitamin D on a nice, spring morning. 22 players had originally registered and everyone was encouraged to use their best judgment in terms of whether to come out or not. As always, it was great to see everyone, and share some friendly competition. The course was a little damp for most of the round, but showing typical evidence that it’ll be in peak form in a few weeks, once the sun and winds allow it to flourish. Our group supports efforts to suppress the spread of the virus, and we anticipate a statewide shelter-in-place decree, perhaps this week.

Eighteen hardy hickory golfers braved slashing rain and wind on January 1, 2020, to celebrate the seventh anniversary of Northwest Hickory Players—oh, wait a minute; that was a different year. It was actually 50 degrees and calm and we had a very nice day at Lynnwood. The fairways were a bit muddy and the greens a bit slow, but the course was overall in good shape for winter golf.
We had some fine scores turned in as well: Peter Yagi shot a 73 (par 65) for low gross honors, and Kit Ledbetter and Martin Pool both shot 75. Five teams vied for a two best net total. Team Vardon consisting of Blake Kurtzman, Martin Pool and Carl LeBoa, with the addition of the stellar play of blind-draw Paula Anderson (87-60), came in with a team total of 109, bettering by one stroke Team Ouimet made up of Peter Yagi, Goose Guenette, Chelsea Guenette and the afore-mentioned Paula Anderson.
We also welcomed two new players to our group, Blake Kurtzman and Ray Weis, who we hope will join us for future events. A great start to the year 2020!

We woke up to very cold temperatures with the over night low 25 degrees outside. Much of the turf was frozen hard for the first few holes and it made us think about approach shot to the greens if they were in the sun and softer or in the shade and a bit frozen. We had 18 brave hickory players participate in a match play format representing two teams (Huskies and Cougars). We played a singles and fourball matches.
The team match was very close with the Huskies pulling off a 6 1/2 to 5 1/2 victory. We played on all temporary greens which made the play a bit more like the 1920s. A hearty welcome to our new players Brian Pollack, Birch Abraham, and Mike Scorcio!
A fun time was had by all. The individual match results are below:
Brian Pollack v Kit Ledbetter – halved
Martin Pool v Pete Yagi 3&2
John Lavendoski 7&5 v Mike Scorcio
John Quickstad 3&2 v Joe Scorcio
Birch Alexander v Carl LeBoa 3&2
Steve Malmquist v Tom Kennedy 6&5
Jeff Lefferts 2&1 v Jimmy Bucher
Rob Ahlschwede 3&2 v Rob Birman
Paula Anderson v Roberta Robbins – had fun

Some love the ocean, others the mountains. If you are inclined toward the latter, and you are a golfer, you will not find a more spectacular venue to hold a golf contest than the Lake Shastina Golf Resort at the foot of the magnificent Mount Shasta near Weed, California.
Led by the Mighty Andrew, that Slayer of Parfives, from the House of Von Lossow, the formidable northern horde arrived at this site to battle their southern foe once again. Hickory players from Washington, Northern Oregon, and a mercenary from Idaho (that raconteur Tracy) contested the southern force from California and Southern Oregon in the 4th annual C.O.W. Cup.
On paper the invading northern army, consisting of multiple past champions from the World Hickory Open as well as the U.S. Hickory Open, looked too strong against the opposing force. And indeed, the first day of battle proved very one-sided. With seven teams a side and playing a Chapman format, the day ended in a rout for the Washington-Oregon side as it forged ahead 6 ½ points to ½ point for the California-Oregon side.
In the evening, the two sides retired to the Viskochil Castle in the woods, where Lord Steve and Lady Jaci hosted (and ably assisted by the flying minstrel Michael) a magnificent feast of roast and grog.
Would Day 2 bring similar results as Day 1? Early the next day, the two sides lined up for the singles and concurrent fourball matches with 21 points at stake. Bloodied but not vanquished, the southern team fought back valiantly to try to erase the memory of that first day. The tandem of Niehaus and Sweeney gained two points to one over the team of Guenette and Birman. Then Erik the Great of Beer avenged his loss to the noble John Henry from the previous year by winning 1 up. The next team of Sirs Surano and Bell won 2 ½ points to ½ point over the team of Sirs Tracy and Bruno.
All of a sudden, in a remarkable show of courage, the southern forces were ahead on the second day by a score of 5 ½ to 3 ½.
Then South’s champion, Sir Stephen, of the House of Henneuse, battled the Mighty Andrew, taking the latter to the 17th, but could not overtake his foe. Thus inspired and regaining their courage behind their victorious champion, the North once again re-asserted itself, and the day’s battle was finally won 13 to 8. For the fourth year in a row, the match between Lady Roberta and Lady Stacy went to the final hole with the former winning 2 up.
The final total for the two days was 19 ½ to 8 ½ on the side of the northern horde. “Sgioba Buadhach,” (“Victorious Team”) read the inscription on the backs of the medals awarded to the Washington-Oregon-Idaho team.
The two sides are now tied 2-2. Fare thee well, worthy foes, sheath your mashies and niblicks. Till we meet again in the next field of battle.

One of the rarest feats in golf was accomplished by eventual winner Andrew Von Lossow in Saturday’s opening round. On Indian Canyon’s second hole, a 447 yard par five, AVL holed his second shot with a jigger from 195 yards out. He could see the shot the entire way as it bounced once in the center of the green, then disappeared into the cup! What a way to start the Spokane Hickory Open.
The SHO, in the inaugural year, hosted 35 players from Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho and Canada. Perfect early fall weather greeted the players with mild 70 temps and blue skies. Both Indian Canyon [1930] and Downriver [1916] were in beautiful condition and offered the players many tree lined holes and greens which were smooth and true.
The entrants included 8 new to hickory players from the local Spokane area who all were pleasantly surprised with their performance and new friends made. One fellow remarked how every single player he met during the round was a true sportsman who enjoyed the day, with no bad attitudes, no cussing and aplomb befitting a gentleman. Now can we say that about all of us?
Bountiful tee gifts were handed out, a dinner following the first round, then a lively raffle to cap the evening. The play at Downriver Sunday was again full of quality golf and camaraderie. Highlights at Downriver included a 2 under par score of 69 by Jeff Olson NWHP Champion, new to Hickory Paul Murphy’s 77 and winner of low gross in Super Senior. Then Ladies Champion, Frances Zinger [gross] with an 85, and Roberta Robbins [net] with birdies on 17 and 18! Andrew Von Lossow turned in his second score of 1 under par 70.
Gross Open Div.
SHO Champion Andrew Von Lossow 70 – 70 – 140
2nd Jeff Olson 78 – 69 – 147
3rd Jim Von Lossow 77 – 74 – 151
Net Open Division
Champion Erick Haglund* 59 – 66 – 125
2nd Jeff Lefferts 64 – 68 – 132
3rd Tom Carstens* 73 – 64 – 137
Gross Senior Div.
Champion Tom Tracy 79 – 79 – 158
2nd John Henry Williams 78 – 81 – 159
Net Senior Div.
Champion Craig Healy 66 – 68 – 134
2nd Mark Taylor* 69 – 65 – 134
Gross Super Senior Div.
Champion Paul Murphy* 86 – 77 – 163
2nd Kenn Looten 89 – 81 – 170
Super Senior Net Div.
Champion Omar Arambul 66 – 61 – 127
2nd Tom Driscoll 77 – 70 – 147
Women’s Gross Div.
Champion Frances Zinger 102 – 85 – 187
Women’s Net Div.
Champion Roberta Robbins 72 – 59 – 131
*First Time Hickory Player

The 2019 Gearhart Hickory Classic is in the books. 45 players in four divisions faced interesting pin placements and greens that ran to 11.5. Fairways were hard and fast and that led to some great scoring. Also led to some head scratching and the use of words not usually found in mixed company!! The weather was clear with temps in the 60s creeping into the low 70s every day–kind of iconic weather for the Oregon coast in July.
First day saw the setting of the 18-hole scoring record for the Gearhart Hickory Classic. Bill Geisler, of Florida, shot a great 71, one under par, which helped him become the eventual Senior Division Champion as he backed that up with a solid second round. The Open Champion was Jeff Olsen, Seattle, who doubled-up on his previous win at the 2019 Pacific Northwest Hickory Championship. We are looking forward to the Spokane Hickory Open in September to see if he completes the trifecta of Northwest Hickory Players’ major events.
In the other divisions Pam Rowland was crowned the Ladies Champion and Galen Peterson garnered a win in the Super Senior Division.
The field enjoyed a great tournament dinner provided by the Baked Alaska restaurant of Astoria, Oregon, served on the deck overlooking the Astoria Harbor on a cool, blue sky evening. Locally caught salmon highlighted the meal.
Open Division–Champion—Jeff Olsen; 2nd—Gabe Tonan; 3rd—Jim von Lossow
Open Net; 1st—Steve Henneuse; 2nd—Jim Bucher; 3rd—Jeff Lefferts
Senior–Champion—Bill Geisler; 2nd—Tom Tracy; 3rd—Peter Yagi
Senior Net–1st—Ed Horvat; 2nd—Steve Franich; 3rd—Dave McDonald
Super Senior–Champion—Galen Petersen; 2nd—Matt Nelson; 3rd—Ed Ronco
Super Senior Net–1st—John Hoffert; 2nd—Mike Kosich; 3rd—tie—Lyle Roland/Chuck McCollum
Ladies Division–Champion—Pam Rowland; 1st Net—Sandy Bucher

Congratulations to winning players: 1st: Jeff Lefferts / John Wise (score 51) $90 / 2nd: Martin Pool / Sean Gee (score 53) $60 / 3rd: Dennis Scott / Tuna Williams (score 54) $50
A special thanks to Peter Yagi for organizing the event and also for hosting pizza and beer/wine at his home. Of the $20 we each put in, half went for the competition, and half for food and drinks. However, Pete generously decided to cover the cost of the food and drinks himself, and donated the $180 collected to the Northwest Hickory Players operating fund. This fund is used to support our website, advertisements, banners, sponsorships, etc. Thanks Peter!
Also ran:
Martin Pool / Paula Anderson – 54 (lost card – off); Barry Field / Dog Franich – 56; Rob Ahlschwede / Franz Schwarm – 56; Pete Yagi / Omar Arumbul – 57; Goose Guenette / Jerry Olson – 63; Pete Yagi / Roberta Robbins – 65; Rob Birman / Steve Simmons – 66
Some fantastic individual scores were turned in by:
Jeff Lefferts – 74/58; Omar Arambul – 84/58; Tuna Williams – 91/61; Martin Pool – 74/61

We had great weather in the high 70s and several new hickory players with a field of 27 players in the 2019 Tombstone Hickory Tournament. A special thanks to Martin Pool for coordinating the pairings and handicaps and Jimmy Bucher for taking the photos. The tournament was all field event no divisions and seemed to work well with six Senior Division winners, two Open Division winners and one Women’s and one Super Senior winner.
Goose Guenette was the overall winner and received an $80 cash prize with Dennis Scott second and awarded $70 and Paula Anderson third and awarded $60. We raised $115 for NW Hickory Players operations thanks to all of the players contributions. The winning epitaph was awarded Dave Hall with close second to Tuna Williams and Sean Gee (see all three below). All players died on the course with Goose dying only 17 feet 1 inch from completing 18 holes. The winners were:
1st place Goose Guenette died 18th green 17′ 1″
2nd place Dennis Scott died 18th hole 21 yards out
3rd place Paula Anderson died 18th hole 41 yards out
4th place Brock Bowen died 18th hole 66 yards out
5th place Barry Field died 18th hole 94 yards out
6th place Peter Yagi died 18th hole 125 yards out
7th place Martin Pool died 18th hole @ 230 yards out
8th place Kit Ledbetter died on the 18th tee
9th place Greg Cooper died on the 18th tee
10th place Steve Franich died 17th green 13″
Early demise Franz Schwarm died 15th green 33′
Dave Hall’s winning epithet (spoken with a fine Scottish brogue)
“On hole five, I scored a 10, which sure destroyed my golfers zen. Without this glitch, I played with skill, and would have finished with more strokes still! But alas, I was not so keen – I met my demise on 17! (tee Box)
“Tuna” Williams
I always try to soar with the Eagles. However being a Tuna the damn birds ate me.
Sean “G$” Gee
Here lies a man that did all he could. Playing a game with much history & lore. He changed from hitech goods to shafts made of wood. He never mastered the equipment, but for yelling fore. So he left this earthly course right here with his last swing to play his field of dreams with some new found wings

Amid the towering fir trees, on a gorgeous sunny weekend in Seattle, the Northwest Hickory Players conducted its fifth rendition of the Pacific Northwest Hickory Championship.
Thirty-nine players teed it up on June 1-2 at the historic Inglewood Golf Club, which is celebrating its centennial year. The course is as challenging as they come, with its up and down contours, bunkers at every turn, and oh those diabolical greens. It was on one of those greens that Chi Chi Rodriguez putted a ball out of bounds during a Senior PGA event!
Club host, and two time defending champion Jeff Olsen completed the trifecta by winning the Open division with a wondrous score of 76-76=152. Daniel Nelson, a newcomer to hickory golf, turned in a fine 160 for the runner-up award. Young Daniel will be a force to reckon with in the future. John Lavendoski won low net honors with a 138, having turned in an impressive 158 gross score himself. Carl LeBoa, another newcomer to our circle of niblick wielders, was second at 145.
In the Senior division, John Henry Williams came in with an equally impressive 77-80=157 to win the title. Jim von Lossow was runner-up at 163. John Quickstad turned in a fabulous second day score to win low net with a 142. Steve Malmquist was second low net with a 145.
In the Statesmen division, Tom Driscoll defended his title with an 84-92=176 score. Chuck McCollum from California, was two strokes behind at 178. John Wise won the net side with a score of 140. Ray Tokareff from Oregon was the net runner-up with a 142.
In the Ladies division, Sue Tracy from Idaho also defended her title with a spectacular 89-85=174 score. Roberta Robbins came in with a 225 for second place. Paula Anderson won low net honors with a 140 score. Sandy Bucher was second net with a 186.
The tournament organizer Martin Pool wishes to thank all the players who participated, and special thanks to the Nebraska contingent, Kevin Cawley, Dale Hallock, and Jack McDonnell for making the long trip to join us.
We also wish to thank the head pro Mike Gove, the restaurant manager Amanda Kent, and the membership of Inglewood Golf Club, for making all this possible. A special thanks also to The Jim Sisko Quartet for the fabulous musical entertainment.
NWHP had a fine afternoon of play with only a few misty moments during the event. We could see the rain over the Sound, but it stayed away. Players enjoyed the new greens, conditions and great company. Every time this group gets together, it is a great reminder of why playing hickory is such a joy – the friends one makes.
We saw some great play with Kit Ledbetter leading the way with a 2-over par 37 gross (32 net) taking 1st place in the net event. We had a 3-way tie for second net (35 net) between newcomer Alan Montpellier, James Bucher and Goose, with Mr. Bucher winning the score card playoff. Jim’s beauty of an approach on 18 sealed the deal.
Chelsea Guenette won closest to the pin in 2 shots on 14. Goose Guenette won closest to the pin on 15.
See the Results here.

NW Hickory Players gathered at The Classic golf course on April 20, 2019 and were greeted with sun with a few broken clouds, it was a beautiful day on the links. The Classic is a difficult course that will challenge every part of your game. Tee to green you can find woods, deep rough, water and of course sand and grass bunkers guarding many of the greens. Once on the green your struggle isn’t necessarily over because there is ample roll to these huge greens.
15 minutes before the first tee time, players lined up obediently for Jimmy Bucher to take an obligatory group photo and we were a handsome group, if we do say so.
Host Steve Malmquist reports that the Pro at the course, Joe, asked that we come back and often. He wants him to host a regular playing time for Hickory Players which he is planning on doing. It will be a specific day and time so anyone can come and join us, knowing there will be other hickory people to share the course with. Stay tuned for the announcement when this will begin.

Here in the great Northwest, there are New Year’s Day traditions and there are traditions. Some like to plunge nearly naked into the frigid waters of the Puget Sound. The saner sorts like to play golf, and the “real” golfers like to play hickory golf.
Twenty-three hickory players turned out on another gorgeous New Year’s Day to celebrate the 6th year of the founding of the Northwest Hickory Players. We returned once again to Willows Run GC in Redmond, WA – this time to test the Eagle’s Talon side. The turf was a bit squishy, and the bunkers were brimming to the lip, but no matter, it was all in good fun. We welcomed “new-to-hickory”player Jon Gabler and we were thrilled to see John Quickstad’s wife Kathi join in the fun with nine holes of her own.
Players were grouped into teams of four for a fun, “2 best net” competition. In first place winning $35 each was Team Vardon (Martin Pool, Jon Gabler, Franz Schwarm, and Brock Bowen) with a score of 122. Second place winning $20 each went to Team Travis (Kit Ledbetter, Tom Kennedy, Steve Simmons, and Sandy Bucher) with a score of 126.
Outstanding scores were turned in by Carl LeBoa and John Quickstad who shot 65 net and were awarded $20 each. Kit Ledbetter turned in the low gross round of 78 and received claps on the back from nearly everyone
Happy New Year everyone! We look forward to another great season of hickory golf in the great Pacific Northwest in 2019.

With threat of rain in the air all 24 players that signed up decided that in the Pacific Northwest there really is no bad weather but just poor clothing choices, everyone signed up showed up ready for play. Amazingly the golf Gods were with us and it did not rain but late on the back nine it became almost as dark as night. Just after the last group finished the rain came down hard.
We played a match play format with one point for each nine holes and one point for winning the match and almost all of the players were evenly matched by handicaps. Martin Pool put the matches together and came up with 1918 Apple Cup so everyone either represented the Huskies or Cougars. Below the results of the match and the team totals. Unfortunately the 2018 Cougars did not play as well as the 1918 Hickory Apple Cup Cougars. Thanks to Roberta for collecting the entry fees, Jimmy for taking the photos and Martin for organizing the matches, the competition and the final scoring. I would also like to recognize Steve Malmquist, Tom Kennedy, Steve Simmons, Joe Scorcio, Jeff Dean and John Lavendoski for donating their winnings back to NW Hickory Players. The course was in great shape and I heard many complements on the quality of the greens.
1918 Hickory Apple Cup
Total 13 1/2 (Huskies) to 22 1/2 (Cougars)

NWHP Captain, Jim von Lossow and his son, Andrew, carded numerous wins in 2018, which will be hard to match next year. Jim is the 2018 World Hickory Open (open division) champion and 2018 Mid Pines senior’s champion. His son is 2018 Mid Pines champion, 2018 Southern Hickory Fourball champion (with teammate Taylor Jones), and third place World Hickory Open podium medalist. In fact, along with NWHP member John Henry, the von Lossows took all three top spots at this year’s World Hickory Open in Scotland. Bravo! NWHP Members John Lavendoski and Jeffrey Dean did well, themselves, placing second in the 2018 Southern Hickory Fourball. As a reward, the von Lossows joined with three others and NWHP member Chuck McCullom for a grand tour of the best courses in Scotland. They played Glasgow Gailes, Western Gailes, Troon Public, Old Musselburgh, Prestwick, North Berwick, Dunbar, Lundin Links, Luffness New, Gullane 3, Longniddry, Craile – Balcomie, Montrose Links, St Andrews – New, Kilspendie and Cruden Bay in November. Way to go chaps!

Twenty-eight hickory players from California ( C ) and Oregon and Washington ( OW ) renewed their rivalry in the third annual COW Cup on the links of the Centennial Golf Club in Medford, Oregon on September 22-23. Old friends met once again to trade stories and perhaps to buy and sell an occasional club here and there. However, once the first tee shot flew down the fairway, friends became rivals as the competition began in earnest.
Having won the first two years, California displayed a certain swagger. Oregon/Washington, desperate to avoid a third humiliation, showed a quieter intensity and resolve. Day 1 began with a Chapman format with seven points up for grabs. The two teams, as expected, traded blows with “OW” winning the first point, “C” the second, “OW” the third, “C” the fourth and so it went until “C” faltered and “OW” won consecutive points. The marquee (and final) pairing of C’s Steve Henneuse and his partner Larry Sonnenberg against OW’s John Henry Williams and Glenn Thatcher ended, appropriately, with a half point each. At the end of Day 1, OW led 4 ½ to 2 ½.
Day 2 was a concurrent Singles/Fourball matches with a 21 points at stake, and the outcome anybody’s guess. The opening match went to California 2 to 1, with OW’s Roberta Robbins salvaging a point against C’s Stacy Brown in yet another classic match going to the final hole (as in the previous year) to resolve the matter. In the second match of the day, OW’s Team Captain Jim von Lossow avenged his loss from the previous year by defeating California Team Captain Steve Henneuse 2 and 1, exactly reversing the score from the year before.
Match 3 went to OW, but then matches 4 and 5 went to the California team to draw them within one point and the outcome was very much in doubt. But matches 6 and 7 went to OW’s side, and team from Oregon/Washington won the Cow Cup for the first time. Final score: Oregon-Washington: 17 California: 11.
Congratulations to the following players who won all three points for their respective teams: Steve Wilt (OW), Ray Tokareff ( C ), Buck Barrie (OW), Martin Pool (OW), and Jim von Lossow (OW).
The two teams once again wish to thank the gracious hosts Steve and Cindy Wilt of Medford who invited us to their lovely home for a Saturday night bash. Till we meet again next year!

Roberta Robbins, event organizer, was worried we were going to be rained or stormed out today, but the weather held off enough for six groups to have an enjoyable round. Our winners at 131 were the team of Kit Ledbetter, Gerry McFaul, John Wise and Steve Malmquist (blind draw). Second place team at 132 was Barry Field, Jimmy Bucher, Larry Borgert and Sandy Bucher (also a blind draw). Low net of the field was Kevin Austero with a net 68. Kit was low gross of the field at 80. The course was a treat to play in spite of intermittent rain, heavy at times. Five intrepid players brought out their pre-1900 clubs and acquitted themselves with a modicum of respect.

The Northwest Hickory Players again hosted the Gearhart Hickory Classic, this being the 5th playing of the event on the Oregon coast at the 126-year-old classic course. The group was pleased to welcome players from 7 states, including Tad Moore from Alabama and Bill Geisler from Florida. A good contingent of our California friends as well as players from Idaho, Arizona, Oregon and Washington joined in as well. As the event and the course grow in popularity in the hickory world, it just gets better every year. It’s always a treat to have players traveling from across the nation to join in the fun.
Jim von Lossow returned to the Open division to regain the title of Gearhart Hickory Classic Champion with a two stroke victory over fellow PGA professional Gabe Tonan. Californian, Kris Surano, won the Senior division over Tom Tracy after a one-hole playoff, Tom Driscoll was the Super Senior champ and Sandy Bucher gained the Woman’s winning medal.
The 5th Gearhart Hickory was played in typical Northwest Coast temperatures–60s-70s–with early morning fog giving way to bright sunny blue skies, with breezes coming off the Pacific making the days pleasant and comfortable. The course was in great shape, the greens rolling true and the fairways firm and fast. A truly great weekend.
One new twist for the tournament was playing the practice round as a four-ball with teams matched by handicap. Many players enjoyed the format as everyone got to play all the shots and most of the matches were pushed right to the final few holes. Other highlights of the weekend was spending time at Gearhart’s new 20,000 square foot putting course and relaxing at the nearby pub/halfway house. Getting to use the newly opened virtual golf room was intriguing aspect of the new building project at the course.
Winners in the net divisions were Bill Geisler–Open Net; Peter Yagi–Senior Net; Pam Rowland–Women’s Net; and Ray Tokareff–Super Senior Net.
We look forward to the 6th playing of the GHC in 2019, dates already set at July 19, 20 and 21. Save the date!!

On a sunny, warm summer day thirty hickory players took part in the Tombstone Tournament held at the Auburn Golf Course at Auburn, Washington. Tombstone Tournament is a competition format in which golfers begin the round of golf with an allotment of strokes, then play the golf course until their strokes run out.
The game gets its name from the fact that tombstones will be placed in the ground at the point from which their final shot is played. The golfer who’s tombstone is the farthest around the course is the winner. All of the players had given a great deal of thought to their last words, their epitaphs. The award of the best epitaph went to Steve “Dog” Franich for Ode to the Dog “He did his best.”
With me chest pumped out
my hardest I try
No Idea’r how
me ball did fly
Many they were
the strokes they mounted
Each and e’er one
carefully counted
With the help of passed gas
discretely dis-larged
Between tight cheeks
me ball was discharged
An honorable group,
to the man, “no one lied”
Yet without shame
there were those that cried
Still others remarked
“with 24 strokes all awry’ied
“Dog that he was,
he should never have died…
From a puppy dog eye
a tear did roll
and he was heard to curse
“Devil, take your toll…”
His arse was drug
to this lonely of spots
and together they gathered
to count all the dots…..
And to all be it known
“Hey man I did my best”
Marked by this stone
Dog finally came to rest….
(so be it)
Authored by Stephen John Paul Franich, Jr., III
Several other epitaph’s were really good. One of my other favorites was by Gene Pavola
Here lies Gene
The golfing machine
He who made bogies routine
And was hoping to finish eighteen
But his scores became so obscene
That he never reached the last green
Over $450 was given away, the overall winner was Gene Pavola with 3 strokes left to play (note his epitaph above did not come true) and a score of 97, Open winner was Matt Cassarino finished the 18 hole with the best score of the day with a 74, Senior winner was Barry Field just off the 18th green with a score of 86, Ladies winner was Paula Anderson finished in the 18th fairway with a score of 101. Congratulations to all the winners.
All of the players enjoyed the format and making new hickory golfing friends. And a big thank you to the City of Auburn and especially Daryl Faber, Parks and Recreation Director and Chris Morris Head Golf Pro for their support of our tournament.

Thirty-eight hickory players, including six fabulous ladies, took part in the 4th Annual Pacific Northwest Hickory Championship held at the historic Wing Point Golf and Country Club on beautiful Bainbridge Island, Washington.
Day one greeted the players with brilliant sunshine and gentle, marine breezes on this island course, which is but a cannon’s volley from Seattle. Stately fir trees and lush vegetation covered the grounds where golf was first played in 1903.
Despite perfect playing conditions, the course played difficult with its multitude of bunkers guarding the greens like Scylla and Charybdis. The unwary and the wayward golfer fell victim to the deep maws of those traps again and again. A skilled golfer, or perhaps a lucky one, upon reaching the greens, may have thought he or she had found safe haven. That too proved to be too hopeful as they soon discovered the fast, sloping greens, which confounded many. The ever dangerous 10th and the devilish 13th, with their OBs and hazards finally sunk the hopes of many fine players.
Not all was lost, however, for the battered and dashed players as they made their way into port. Their spirits were lifted by the music of the roaring twenties emanating from the clubhouse. The salmon dinner was fabulous and the band divine, and the spirits (this time of a different sort) were lifted once again.
Lest visitors from out of town thought the weather in Seattle was always this perfect, day two greeted them with some of that wet stuff from the heavens. The locals thought it was but a spit; the visitors thought it a deluge. In reality it was somewhere in between. The intrepid sailors (I mean, the golfers) battled Scylla and Charybdis once again.
Defending his title in the Open Division was Jeff Olsen from Shoreline, Washington. Runner-up was Steve Henneuse from Santa Cruz, California. In the Senior Division, Tom Tracy from Star, Idaho won by a shot over John Henry Williams from Shoreline, Washington. In the Statesmen Division, Tom Driscoll of Redmond, Washington hung on by a single shot over Lyle Rowland of Neskowin, Oregon. In the Ladies Division, Sue Tracy, also from Star, prevailed over member Alina Dean of Wing Point G&CC.
In the Net Divisions, Open net winner was Jimmy Bucher, runner-up John Lavendoski. Senior net winner was Steve Franich and runner-up was Dale Hallock in a tie-breaker. Statesmen net winner was Ray Tokareff and runner-up was Jerry Olson. Ladies net winner was Roberta Robbins and runner-up was Pam Rowland.

A frosty morning turned into an afternoon of brilliant sunshine on New Year’s Day for the 23 hickory players who came out to Willows Run GC to celebrate the 5th year of the founding of the Northwest Hickory Players. We welcomed several “new-to-hickory” players David Foreman, Brock Bowen, Rich Tokarzewski, and Mark Persinger. We hope to see all of you again in future events.
Players were grouped into teams of four for a fun, “1-2-3 Cha Cha Cha” competition. In first place winning $20 each player was Team Forgan with a score of 131. Second place winning $10 each went to Team Paxton. Final results:
Team Forgan – 131
Tom Driscoll
Jimmy Bucher
Sandy Bucher
John Quickstad
Team Paxton – 133
Kit Ledbetter
Brock Bowen
David Rimmer
Steve Simmons
Team Stewart – 134
Martin Pool
David Foreman
Roberta Robbins
Goose Guenette
Team McEwan – 136
Steve Malmquist
Peter Yagi
Mark Persinger
Jerry Olson
Team Condie – 139
Rob Ahlschwede
Jake Varnell
David Hall
Rich Tokarzewski
Team Carrick – 142
Jeff Dean
Paula Anderson
Rob Birman
(blind draw)
Players gathered in the clubhouse after the round for some good cheer, and a bit of buying and selling of clubs. John Quickstad showed off his newly acquired 19th century line-cut ball mold. Cool stuff! Martin Pool announced the venue for this year’s Pacific Northwest Hickory Championship to be held at the renowned Wing Point Golf and Country Club on Bainbridge Island, WA on June 2-3. We are all excited to play this historic course where golf was reportedly first played in 1903.
Happy New Year everyone! We look forward to a great season of hickory golf in the Pacific Northwest in 2018.

“C” Putts the Hurt on “OW”. Twenty-four hickory players teed it up in the second annual COW Cup match between the team from California ( C ) and the team from Oregon and Washington ( OW ) at the beautiful and challenging Centennial Golf Club in Medford, Oregon on October 21-22. The competition was played straight up, with no handicaps, and no quarter given.
Under threatening skies, the matches commenced with a Chapman format on Day 1. The Oregon/Washington players, mudders that they are and seeking any advantage it could against a strong California team, secretly hoped for rain. Surely, the surfer dudes (and dudette) would melt under the wet stuff from up above. Alas, the predicted rain never came, and California jumped out to a 4-2 lead.
Day 2 was a concurrent Singles/Fourball matches with a whopping 18 points at stake and plenty of time for the OW players to mount a charge. California Team Captain Steve Henneuse threw a 73 against OW Team Captain’s Jim von Lossow’s 75, and the puddle jumpers from the Northwest slipped further behind. But then things got interesting as the team of Glenn Thatcher and Martin Pool gained three points against the juggernaut team of Erik Beer and Dana Niehaus to even up the score at 6-6.
But slowly, inexorably, the might of the “C” team asserted itself as match after match came in on the side of California, that is, until the last. The final match between the two ladies in the field, Roberta Robbins of OW, and Stacy Brown of C, proved to be a doozy, as back and forth it went, coming down to the last hole with Robbins finally prevailing by the narrowest margin: 1 up. Final score: California 14 ½ Oregon-Washington 9 ½.
Plaudits go to the following players who won all three points for their respective teams: Steve Henneuse ( C ), Chuck McCollum ( C ), John Sweeney ( C ), Ray Tokareff ( C ), and Martin Pool (OW).
The two teams wish to thank the gracious hosts Steve and Cindy Wilt of Medford who invited us to their lovely home for a Saturday night bash. We also wish to thank the Centennial Golf Club and the local newspaper Medford Mail Tribune who provided this coverage:
Thank you also the folks of Medford who came out to watch our matches and expressed their interest in joining us the next time.

Yet Another Playoff at Gamble Sands Hickory Classic… This time it only went two extra holes, capped by a birdie-birdie finish (including an unlikely 75-foot putt) by Port Townsend pro Gabe Tonan, to capture the 2017 crown of the Gamble Sands Hickory Classic over Beau Forrest. Earlier this summer, the title of Pacific Northwest Hickory Championship was settled after five extra holes.
The third rendition of this tournament began under clear blue skies at the renowned Gamble Sands Golf Links (recently voted the best golf course in Washington State) with twenty-four players. As the round progressed, the winds picked up, dark clouds moved in, and scoring became more elusive. Uncharacteristically, no one broke 80 in the Open division, with two PGA professionals, Jim von Lossow and Gabe Tonan sharing the lead at exactly 80. Beau Forrest, first time hickory player playing on his home course, followed closely behind at 81.
While the Open players struggled on day one, the Senior division saw a pair of fine 77s turned in by Kit Ledbetter and Martin Pool.
Day two was a different story as the Open Division showed off its mettle. Beau Forrest came back with a strong 74 to tie Gabe Tonan (75) at 155. The two players returned to the par 5 18th hole which they matched one another with birdies. On to hole number one they went, whereupon Tonan won with his monstrous long birdie putt.
In the Senior Division, Kit Ledbetter followed his terrific first round with another (77-78=155) to capture the title, three shots ahead of Martin Pool (77-81=158). Tom Driscoll won the Statesman Division with a come-from-behind 89-80=169 over California’s Chuck McCollum’s 88-84=172. In the Women’s Division, Roberta Robbins won her third consecutive Gamble Sands title with a 94-91=185.
This year we were joined by Jake Varnell, grandson to the late Jack Wilson, who used his grandfather’s clubs to take his place among the Northwest Hickory Players. We hope to see more of young Jake to carry on his grandfather’s legacy.
For more photos of the event, go to Northwest Hickory Players facebook page.

The fairways were baked, running hard and fast. Plumes of dust rose in the air with each mashie shot. (Yes Virginia, there is dust in Seattle.) With a recent record of 56 consecutive days without rain, the sites of the 3rd Annual Pacific Northwest Hickory Championship, played at Snoqualmie Falls Golf Course and Mount Si Golf Course (est. 1927), offered unfamiliar tests for the Northwest hickory players. As it was in the ‘20s, the roughs were rough, and the fairways rougher. But the hard grounds also had its advantages as 270 yard drives were not uncommon for the long hitters.
Click Here for a PDF file of Martin Pool’s write-up with photos.
Day 1 at the par 71 Snoqualmie Falls GC, played at 5649 yards, saw some very fine scores with six players at 75 gross or better: Scott Miller 71, reigning U. S. Hickory Senior Champion Jim von Lossow 72, John Lavendoski 73, Dave Paremski 74, Jeff Olsen 75, and Kit Ledbetter 75.
Day 2 was played at the par 72 Mount Si GC at 6008 yards. In a stirring finish, Jeff Olsen of Shoreline, Washington came from behind to tie Scott Miller of Issaquah, Washington in regulation, both finishing the two rounds with a score of 147. Olsen and Miller went to a playoff and in an epic battle, Olsen prevailed after going five extra holes. It was yet another heart break for Miller as he has finished runner-up each year of this event.
John Lavendoski of Bainbridge Island took the low net honors in the Open Division.
In the Senior Division, Kit Ledbetter distanced himself from the field backing up his fine round on the first day with another on the second with a two day score of 149. John Quickstad took the low net honors. In the Super Senior Division, Larry Hardy followed his victory in the Arizona Hickory Classic to win yet another title. John Wise won low net. In the Women’s Division, Paula Anderson shot 97-89 to come from behind to defeat Roberta Robbins, the reigning U.S. Women’s Hickory Champion.
Before the second round got under way, we received the sad news of the passing of our dear friend Jack Wilson. Jack was passionate about hickory golf, as a collector and as a player. He was one of the founders of the Northwest Hickory Players, and few in the world could match his knowledge and passion for hickory clubs. A perpetual trophy for the Pacific Northwest Hickory Championship will be named in his honor. We will all miss him very much. To read more about Jack, see Rob Birman’s tribute to Jack: Remembering Jack Wilson.
Exasperating. Astonishing. Taxing. These words characterized so many players’ rounds at the 2017 USHO. I suspect all traveled to Del Monte links in Monterey in mid-July presuming the 1897 design would be ‘less than’ a “major” challenge. After all, how hard can an old track, and the least in-demand of those in the Pebble Beach Resort portfolio be? On first sight, many felt, “this should be a birdie fest.” But after the opening practice round, every player knew better.
Del Monte’s defense is two-fold. Tiny greens and abrasive, penalizing rough. The fairways and greens were in fine nick. Lush, cushy, true, and that was just the fairways! The greens were quick, diminutive and pure. And, visually, nearly every hole seemed fairly straightforward.
To the casual observer, one can easily see, there aren’t any water holes. The bunkering seemed reasonable, not devilish. Competitors took note of the subtle color variations in the bunkers – some pure sand, others more grit and dirt, but all fair. Lesson number one, approach shots had to be exacting. These were among the smallest greens many have seen in a long while- it was a trait that this writer found engaging, perversely, half way through. What a great test!
The diabolical nature of Del Monte includes surprising slope in greens that, at first, appear fairly benign. Players found few flat spots anywhere on greens, period. And, the dilemma that caused many to add strokes to their tidy scores, stemmed from balls that trickled three inches into the gnarly rough around those small greens. It is hard enough to judge speed out of thick, grabby rough, but adding break made it a major-level challenge for all.
The weather could not have been more ideal. Steady, low winds. Not a cloud in the sky either day. High temps around 70 degrees.
98 players from several countries and a dozen or more states gathered to mark the tenth playing of our Open. Tournament Chair, Rob Ahlschwede organized an impressive three-day event with superior service (as expected), high grade food, an impressive trade show and tee gifts and awards the envy of tournaments three times the size.
Net scores in the upper 60s were tops on the first day (Rich Schmidt in the Championship Division with a net 69, and five players in the Senior and above divisions). And – as is becoming traditional now – a sudden-death playoff was required on day two to crown the eventual champion. After two days of play, two players were tied at the top, with gross scores of 153 – both Californians – Cliff Martin (runner-up last year) and Nico Bollini. Bollini settled the score on the opening playoff hole – the par 5 17th, to cement his victory.
Northwest Hickory Players had a strong showing at the event, with winners in multiple categories including Jim Von Lossow, Senior Open Champion with a gross score of 159 and Roberta Robbins, Ladies Open Champion, with a 203. John Lavendoski took 2nd place in the Open Net Division with a score of 145; Martin Pool took 3rd place in the Senior Net Division with a score of 139. In the Super Senior division, Ray Tokareff took 1st Net with a 140, and Buck Barrie took 2nd Net with a 148. We also want to congratulate our California friends Steve Viskochil (Senior 2nd Net) and John Sweeney (Super Senior 3rd Net). Well done all!
A very moving keynote speech by John Fischer III, head of GCS, inspired all of the players on Tuesday night. He regaled players and their guests with the story and legacy of his father, who was a top hickory player in the US even after steel became the norm. Fischer, and his son, were on hand to present the course with two framed collectible items commemorating Del Monte’s place in the great old courses of the West, and to inaugurate a new trophy, to be presented each year to the low amateur of the Society’s US Hickory Open. In this case, Bollini also accepted that honor late on Wednesday afternoon.
Numerous SoHG board members were in the field, including current Board president, William Geisler, and past-president, Dave Brown.
Many regional hickory societies were represented at this, the first-ever USHO on the West Coast. A full field pleased the tournament organizers, and it appears that a strong percentage of contestants were first-time USHO participants – a fitting testament to the SoHG’s goal of serving its members by moving championship series events around the nation.
A very special note this year were numerous youth among the ranks, including young lads from Australia and one junior female player from the US – they were popular figures on the putting green! Congratulations to all.
It is worth noting how gracious and attentive the Del Monte staff were to our competitors. Everyone noted their generosity and kindness, and we all took a special moment to appreciate the life-size portrait at the entrance to the Club of the early caddies at Del Monte, all boys – two becoming legendary figures in the Pebble Beach golfing community, and a third (believe it or not), Phil Mickelson’s grandfather.
Tradition and history pervade Del Monte’s links. While the course included expansive areas (not in play) that were left without irrigation (a nod to the modern trend to minimize over-watering), the state of the course was grand and nearly every player hailed this event as a winner for everyone involved.

28 players from five states and Canada contested the 2017 Gearhart Hickory Classic, marking two historic occasions! The first was the grand links’ 125th anniversary. The second, record-setting temperatures on the Oregon coast of 92 degrees on Saturday. Aside from the simply awesome spirit that the players bring to this event every year, 2017 was made memorable for a pre-tournament outing on Friday with NW Hickory players and the membership of the august club. NWHP members were paired with the regular Gearhart loyalists – everyone playing hickory sticks without exception. 68 players walked the links, including course owner and visionary advocate for the game, Tim Boyle and two of his children. Conditions were spectacular and the course (with continued investment by Boyle) is as splendid as any in the state. The anniversary scramble yielded a 66 to the winning team of Jim Von Lossow and Gearhart Mayor (and PGA pro) Matt Brown. There were several 67s too. The day was capped by video recognition from USGA head, Mike Davis, tour player Peter Jacobson, and PGA President, Paul Levy. Oregon Historical Society director, Kerry Tymchuk, shared special remarks and allowed everyone to pose for selfies with Meriwether Lewis’ 1804 branding iron; a relic left near Gearhart during the Lewis and Clark expedition. Food, drink, and live music capped a very special day for all. Players awoke on Saturday for conditions befitting Palm Springs, and found fairly challenging shifting winds on the course, and correspondingly high scores! Oregon’s John Hoffert lead the super-senior division on day one with an impressive 84, Washington’s Kit Ledbetter (seniors) with an 82, and California’s Steve Henneuse and Idaho’s Tom Tracy in the open division with 80s. Day Two saw opposite wind conditions and temperatures in the 70s – a welcome respite for all. But most agreed that scoring conditions were not one bit easier. In the end, Henneuse claimed the open division trophy by three strokes with rounds of 80/82, bravo! Von Lossow was the senior champ with 76/79, and Hoffert, super-senior winner with 89/92. Roberta Robbins won the ladies division with tidy scores of 99/113. A slew of medals were conferred on the win-place-or-show ponies in each division (way too many to mention!) Rob Ahlschwede served as tournament chair and is to be recognized for special appreciation given that he is also leading the committee to present the US Hickory Open at Pebble Beach Resorts (Del Monte) in less than a month! During the awards ceremony, a commemorative Calamity Jane replica putter was presented to the staff on behalf of Tad Moore, who was not able to join us this year – a classy move. Finally, NWHP salutes PGA head professional, Jason Bangild and his amazing team at Gearhart for making this event one of the finest hickory events in the country. He and his team out perform most facilities with ten times the staff; we are grateful and eagerly look forward to returning next July, when we will again mix with the members, now an annual event by popular demand!

Sixteen players registered for the April outing at Trophy Lake, many seeing the course for the first time. After a 30-year-record-high winter for rainfall, residents in the NW have seen the most infrequent play this winter in living memory. But spring has emerged, and – in spite of some soft conditions – Trophy Lake was in fairly good shape; the greens being the best of all the surfaces. Robert Birman served as host for the event, with Martin Pool in the role of bookie. An “opt-in” game of total skins for about 11 players was arranged, with modest pay-outs for gross and net skins, and KPs. Scott Miller took high honors for winning 3 of the 4 KPs. Nice work! Five or six of the contestants walked away with skins dough. It was great to see several players who we don’t see as often as we would like. Following a nice meal together after the round, all agreed a return to this varied layout would be smart, especially in peak summer conditions.

As has become tradition, the intrepid players in the Pacific Northwest convened on New Years’ morning for a celebratory walk in the park among friends and nary another soul. More than 24 players signed up for the outing scheduled for Fort Steilacoom GC, only to rise and find a blanket of snow on the Olympic Peninsula and a closed course at Steilacoom. The 18-or-so enthusiasts who can’t be labeled “fair weather golfers” met instead at Oakbrook for what turned out to be a lovely day of spirited competition and good cheer. And, following NWHP tradition, we welcomed a new player or two at this event as well. Players enjoyed a casual club swap after the round over ribs and a few pints at a local watering hole. Temp greens were the recipe for the day, which did nothing to dampen spirits. Most felt it was closer to what the auld greens would have putted like “back in the day.” This only led to greater determination and grit as one battled snow and ice on some of the front nine “greens.” Oakbrook, as always, is a good track for the hickory game. Our members look forward to a great 2017 and the welcoming of the U.S. Hickory Open to our shores in July under the watchful committee leadership of Rob Ahlschwede and a host of our cousins from the West Coast play groups. We count ourselves fortunate to have such immense pleasure at our outings, driven by a volunteer spirit to do no more than enjoy the lore and creativity of the game as it was meant to be played. Happy New Year!

COW Cup: California vs. Oregon/Washington Match Play Competition
Nine players from California and nine players from Oregon and Washington met at the Emerald Valley Golf Course in Creswell, Oregon for the inaugural match play competition for the coveted COW Cup. Under beautiful fall weather, Day 1 began with the introduction of each player and Captain Jim von Lossow handed out customized brass cowbells as tee prizes. One long-time hickory competitor promptly pronounced it the best tee prize ever!
First day competition was a Chapman format and after some close matches in which three of the five matches came down to the final hole, the Oregon/Washington team held a narrow 3-2 lead. After the round, the teams re-gathered at the local sports bar where, amid much merriment, they watched an epic 52-49 football game in which the Cal Bears beat out the Oregon Ducks. This proved to be a fore-shadowing of things to come.
Second Day competition were the singles matches combined with simultaneous fourball competition. After some incredible shot-making (including a hole-out by Erik Beer from an impossible bunker lie), the two teams were tied after seven matches at 7 1/2 points each. Acknowledgement must be given to the gutsy performance of Peter Yagi who birdied the final hole to square the match with Beer to earn the half point. Also deserving praise were the performance of the two Captains Jim von Lossow and Steve Henneuse who both shot 72s in their match.
The coup de grace came in the form of Dr. Bob Wolfensperger and Steve Viskochil who played some very fine golf to lead the final group to victory, and hence, California to a final 10 1/2 to 7 1/2 win over Oregon/Washington. The three point margin was strangely reminiscent of the three point Cal victory the previous night.
Immediately, talk began of a rematch in 2017.

Thirty-six determined golfers gathered for the second annual Gamble Sands Hickory Championship, hosted by Northwest Hickory Players and Gamble Sands. The course is one of the latest additions by David Kidd, architect of famed Bandon Dunes. And, while decidedly inland [200 miles inland from Seattle], the links resemble Bandon Dunes in many respects – tight fescue grass from fairways to green, brilliant drainage, sweeping but generous (and challenging) fairway systems that promote colossal shot-selection options and now and again favor less-than-driver off the tees (depending on the prevailing winds which can be intense, and often are), and a level of remoteness that makes one wonder why on earth anyone would build a golf course so far away. What vexes us, often keeps us coming back for more, and that has proven to the be the case in Oregon, and it is trending in the same dynamic direction in Brewster, Washington. Wow, is this place cool.
Locals love to brag about Chambers Bay and the fact that the course has only one tree on it. Well, Gamble Sands has zero. This is among the very best of American links golf, hands down.
This second-annual hickory classic of Northwest Hickory Players yielded players from eight states and Canada, and took place over two days in brisk fall conditions that were ideal for a long contemplative walk with both new and old friends. With high temperatures in the low sixties and harmless, overcast skies, many commented that the conditions were ideal for this layout. Set against the lush greens and vivid golds on the course, the surrounding arid hillsides of parched earth and distant hay fields slope to greet the expansive shores of the Columbia River, the very waters that fuel the infamous apple industry from which Washington State gets part of its fame. Some quick stats:
• 10–12 billion apples are harvested in Washington State each year. Each Washington apple is picked by hand. There are no harvest machines to pick apples.
• If you put all of the Washington State apples picked in a year side-by-side, they would circle the earth 29 times.
• About 2,500 known varieties of apples are grown in the United States. More than 7,500 are grown worldwide.
• Last year, the average U.S. consumer ate 19 pounds of fresh apples.
• Apples are the largest agricultural product grown in Washington State.
Taking place in the immediate aftermath of the U.S. Hickory Open, NWHP was honored to be joined by clubmaker and hickory golf advocate, Tad Moore, as well as by the reigning senior division champion at USHO, Tom Tracy. (Association Captain Jim von Lossow came in third at this years’ USHO.) Players this year benefitted from the brand new Inn at Gamble Sands which, just one year ago, was nothing more than a sketch and some blueprints. The Inn is fantastic. The hospitality staff and course attendants are highly-trained and focused on customer service, as one will find at resorts 20-times the scale of Gamble Sands. A 80-yard 18-hole putting course is being built on the grounds of the Inn, which players anticipate enjoying at our 2017 Classic. Per usual, golf pro Dave Christenson and his wife, Jennifer, attended to every detail with great care, including another superlative dinner after Round One with an equally well-received scotch tasting; a tradition started at our inaugural affair.
Following a recap of the rules and a welcome from the NWHP founders, players assembled on the first tee for a brief tribute to honor the recent loss of Mike Just, of Louisville Golf. Rob Ahlschwede and Tad Moore offered brief remembrances, followed by a ceremonial drive by Jerold Olson who likely has the last left-handed long nose club Mike built. The scene epitomized what we all love about the game – respect for one another and the spirit of camaraderie that serves as the primary attraction for golfers of extreme proficiency or otherwise. (LOL)
A fly-over of the course simply tells the tale. We expect this event to grow to be one of the largest in the county as the reputation of the course grows. In tandem with our annual event at Gearhart Golf Links in Oregon, we Northwesterners feel like we won the hickory golf lottery.
The set up was quite fair, with most players playing from a distance of 5,631 yards and a slope index of 114. In fall conditions, players could anticipate a roll of about 20-30 yards on a well-struck drive, sometimes (in the right conditions) five-times that! Players had options on the fescue to putt from more than 100 yards, including from the tee on two downhill par threes. Generous backboards and course contouring also allowed inventive types to strike shots up to 40 yards offline, letting the lay of the land assist with the outcome. Many were seen with pure delight on their faces as they learned to embrace the challenge and play the ball on the ground. It was pure fun.
Divisions were divided into Open, Senior, Ladies, and Super Senior, with pay-outs for net winners and elegant crystal decanters for the winning gross scores. Jim von Lossow deserves special praise for organizing another top-class event, especially while most others were out enjoying practice rounds and retiring to the 24-person Jacuzzi to sooth their feet. (Thanks, Jim!)
In the end, “Von” and USHO Tom Tracy tied at 146, with Tracy prevailing in a scorecard duel due to a birdie at the par-five 18th hole. A new Open champ emerged, none other than young Andrew von Lossow, who is eyeing a run at the pro circuit in the year ahead. Roberta Robbins took the ladies prize with a score of 180, and big Rob Ahlschwede took super senior net accolades with a net score of 124.
For many players in the Northwest, the opportunity to meet and play with Tad Moore was a special treat. Moore and Ahlschwede took the liberty to arrive a day early and stay a day later than most, something many working stiffs envied, some facing more than a six-hour commute home on Sunday. We also want to thank Canadian, Kenn Looten, for coming down, Michael Sloan from Texas, and Robb Stuart from New Mexico.
The event is booked again for next fall, so save the weekend before Columbus Day and have a thrill of a lifetime with some great folks!
Eleven players braved a light rain for a walk around the championship course at Gold Mountain on a fall afternoon. The course was playing long due to an overnight rain, so the group teed from the yellow tees at 5,600+ yards. Steady play was exhibited by Kit Ledbetter, Goose Guenette, and Galen Peterson, but low gross honors went to Devin Harmala, with an 81 under fairly challenging conditions. New member, Pat Kurz, joined us and NWHP founders Rob Birman, Rob Ahlschwede and Jack Wilson provided the on course entertainment clocking in with nearly 300 swipes for the trio. It was nice to hear the elk bugling in the woods. Who knows? They might have found a few of our golf balls in there! The course is in superb condition and all players hailed the track. We’d like to return with fast and dry conditions next time!
Fourteen players came out for the inaugural Port Townsend Hickory Scramble, hosted by NWHP pro, Gabe Tonan. A good share of the players were local members of the course, and therefore, new to hickories. Jack Wilson and Rob Ahlschwede furnished rental sets, and we were pleased to see some of the novice players very quickly grasping the changes that lead to a satisfying and productive day on the links as a first-time hickory golfer. The course was a treat for everyone, and low gross honors (and $80 per player) went to the two-man Team Lossow, with low-net (and $40 per player) going to Team Birman. Birman earned k.p. honors on the 170-yard hole #7, with one of Gabe’s staff members winning k.p. on #2. Captain Jim brought out his new, handmade replica of the Gassiat putter and acquitted himself nicely with it! Whidbey Island’s Ben Biggers parked his 40-foot yacht in the marina at Point Hudson, and several players retired to the deck of the “Dog Gone It” for a casual dinner and story-swapping as the sun set over the Salish Sea for the perfect end to a fun and relaxed day of golf. With only one club casualty for the day, all-in-all it was a triumphant success.

Forty-three players from seven states converged on the northern coast of Oregon for a spectacular weekend of challenging hickory golf, camaraderie and high spirits at the third annual Gearhart Hickory Classic hosted by Northwest Hickory Players. The event unofficially began on Friday afternoon, July 15 as sixteen players participated in the club’s “superintendent’s revenge;” a mix of vintage and modern enthusiasts organized by the long-time pro at Gearhart Golf Links, Jason Bangild. Players teed off from “the stones” playing at a 6,501 yards, with challenging hole locations and a scramble format to support the local community. Mandatory left-handed tee shots, a blindfolded drive, and one par three with six hole choices characterized the nature of the affair. While not necessarily a relevant preview for the Classic, it proved to be an enjoyable means to support the professional staff at the course who have been so hospitable and welcoming to Northwest Hickory Players for so many years. With a field of 88 players, the hickory golfers earned praise and accolades for the longest putt on hole number five (Team Hudson) and “k.p. in two” on the 330-yeard opening hole (Jim von Lossow) at which the cup was cut on the downslope of the front left edge. After the Revenge an evening social hour for the hickory players was hosted at a house near the 14th hole.
Players rose on Saturday morning to catch the closing holes of The Open Championship with Mickelson leading a strong field at Troon, and made their way to the course for a robust and high-yielding club swap, followed by a group photo and an opening competitive round under overcast, yet nearly ideal conditions for links golf. In four divisions, including a newly-initiated super-senior division, the competition was strong and well balanced. Open Division players competed at a distance of 6,176 yards, the furthest distance ever for this event, and perhaps a bit too far (perhaps a reaction to the creation of the additional division?) Seniors played at 5,741, women played from 5,100 yards.
Mirroring events on the coast of Scotland, the day ended with two players in the lead (Washingtonian, Jim von Lossow and Virginian, Deal Hudson), separated by just one stroke. Open, Senior and Super Senior divisions all averaged scores in the 90s on day one (91, 93, 98 respectively), a reflection of the quick putting surfaces and enduring challenges of this 1890s seaside layout. Contestants gathered at a nearby restaurant for a group dinner and mild ribbing following the round.
Players awoke to find one of the greatest head-to-head matches evolving in the conclusion of the 145th Open, but were pulled away from the duel in order to reach the outcome of their own Classic. Under brilliant sunshine and low 60s on the thermometer, the field battled on Day Two, with 82% of the Open Division contestants beating their prior day’s totals, but unexpectedly the same percentage of the Senior players posting higher totals compared to the opening round. Northern Californian, Steve Henneuse, shined as he posted the low round of the tournament with a gross score of 76.
In the end, echoing events across the pond, the leaders ended the event, having decided the outcome only in the closing holes, with NWHP captain, Jim von Lossow prevailing by two strokes. Steve Henneuse graciously took honors as runner-up. Low gross winners in each flight included Kit Ledbetter, Matt Nelson, and Donna Richmond. Individual metals were furnished for the top three players in each division, and tournament director Rob Ahlschwede then shared the good news that the 2017 US Hickory Open will be played on the West Coast for the first time next July, likely causing the Classic to be either postponed or deferred one year in support of SoHG’s efforts to cater to a broader segment of the hickory golfing community in the United States.
A handsome perpetual trophy was presented, courtesy of organization founders Rob Birman and Rob Ahlschwede, which will be proudly displayed in the Gearhart pro shop, year-round. Players were unanimous in their praise for the course, accommodations and competitive play at the event. Northwest Hickory Players looks forward to increasing participation in the years ahead!
11 golfers came out (including one newcomer – thanks Cash!) for varying levels of play and hours on the links during a cloudy but pleasant weekend on Whidbey Island. Day One saw two five-somes off the tee for a very enjoyable morning at Whidbey Island Golf Club with fast and true greens and some challenging landing areas off of the tee. Players enjoyed a hearty BBQ after the round at the home of a local member, then on Day Two, competed at the Gallery Course, one of the very first tracks played by NWHP a few years ago. Two players had very steady rounds on both days – net winner, Devin Hamala, and gross winner, Jim von Lossow. Limited evidence can be viewed here, including images of Jim’s seeing-eye dog, Driscoll Boyd.
The third World Hickory Match Play Championship was held at the Philadelphia Cricket Club, on the historic St. Martins Course, May 23-25. Sixteen champion hickory golfers and 16 hickory golf gentlemen came to America’s oldest country club for a unique-to-hickory match play competition that would test both skill and stamina.
Each player in both the Champions Division and Players Division play five 9-hole matches, where each hole is worth a point and each hole halved is worth a ½ point. At the end of the matches, points are tallied and the four gentlemen with the most points compete in third place and championship matches in traditional elimination match play.
The Champions Division had 16 of the finest hickory golfers in the world, including winners from the following hickory tournaments: Canadian Hickory Open; World Hickory Match Play Championship; U.S. Hickory Open; World Hickory Open Low Amateur; U.S. Amateur Hickory Championship; Southern Hickory 4-Ball; Belvedere Hickory Open; Mid Pines Hickory Open; C.B. MacDonald; Onion Creek Hickory Classic; Mountain Valley Hickory Open; Michigan Hickory Open; Vermont Hickory Open, and the National Hickory Championship.
The Players Division also had 16 hickory golfers from various regional hickory groups around the United States, including: the Philadelphia Hickory Golf Society; Northwest Hickory Players (represented by NWHP co-founder Robert Birman); Michigan Hickory Tour; New England Hickory Society; Carolina Hickory Golf Association; Hickory Golfers of Massachusetts; Metropolitan Hickory Society, and the Vermont Hickory Golf Association.
The Philadelphia Cricket Club, as it has proved in the past, was the perfect venue for this championship. The St. Martins course was the site of the 1907 and 1910 U.S. Open Championships, and is now a wonderful 9-hole course. It also served as the site of the 2013 National Hickory Championship.
Northwest Hickory Players Captain Jim von Lossow of Seattle successfully defended his title in the second annual Pacific Northwest Hickory Championship held at the historic Salem Golf Club (est. 1927) in Salem, Oregon and the OGA course in Woodburn, Oregon on May 14-15, 2016.
Pre-tournament festivities began on Friday with a gutty outing at the Woodburn Golf Club (est. 1925), the only sand green course in Oregon. Armed with their Forgans, Carricks, Condies, Parks, and other ancient implements, players flailed, scraped, and foozled their way around this historic tract. Many discovered a new respect for the “auld gawfers.”
Overnight the temperature dropped 35 degrees, the clouds moved in, and amid intermittent drizzle, the day began with a trade show at the beautiful Salem Golf Club. Some horse trading, some tough negotiations, and some interesting stories were exchanged among the attendees.
Day one of the tournament saw some fine scores with a 74 (von Lossow) and a pair of 76s (Miller and Driscoll) among the twenty-two who teed off under less than ideal weather conditions. A fabulous salmon and prime rib dinner followed in the clubhouse.
Day two competition was conducted over the OGA course, home of the Oregon Golf Association, in Woodburn, Oregon. The greens proved to be quite challenging as they were unexpectedly fast given “Northwest” conditions. The course was in immaculate shape and von Lossow came in with another 74 to retain his title.
The highlight of the tournament was the enthusiastic reception we received from the pros and the members at each of the three clubs. We had a delightful meeting with Mr. Tom Kay, the ninety-three year old owner and operator of Salem Golf Club. Mr. Kay’s father, Ercel Kay, founded and built the club in 1927. It has been owned and operated by father and then his son for the past ninety years. Complete photos can be viewed here.
We welcomed seven new Oregon players to the Northwest Hickory Players family: Gary Kilgore, Joe Martinbianco, Pam Rowland, Lyle Rowland, Dennis Stafford, Ray Tokareff, and Rick Williams.
Winners of the Second Annual Pacific Northwest Hickory Championship were:
Open Champion: Jim von Lossow – 148
Open Runner Up: Scott Miller – 156
Open Net Champion: Devin Harmala – 137
Open Net Runner Up: Richard Canapo – 148
Senior Champion: Tom Driscoll – 164
Senior Runner Up: Ray Tokareff – 175
Senior Net Champion: Craig Healy – 139
Senior Net Runner UP: Jack Wilson – 139
Women’s Champion: Roberta Robbins – 208
Women’s Net Champion: Pam Rowland – 182
Twenty-five hickory players teed off on a spectacular day at the historic Maplewood Golf Course (est. 1927) in Renton, Washington. It seemed half the golfers in Seattle were also there to enjoy the sunshine making for a slow round. But patience is a virtue, so they say, and good things come to those who wait. And a good thing indeed came to Chelsea Guenette who waited until the 18th hole to record her first hickory birdie in her first hickory round. Nice one, Chelsea!
We were excited to have six more new players join the Northwest Hickory Players: Michael Adams, Kevin Biegel, Jimmy Bucher, Greg Cooper, Tim Wiebe, and of course Chelsea. Welcome all and hope to see you out there again soon!
We held a best two net out of four team competition and the winning team with a fine score of 126 was: Jack Wilson (whaaa?), Steve Franich (waaaa!), Tom Driscoll, and John Wise. The team’s hero was Jack Wilson who shot a net 68, which will no doubt require a future handicap adjustment.
The runner-up team, made up of Dave Paremski, Devin Harmala, John Quickstad, and Kevin Biegel, finished one stroke behind with a 127. KP prizes, donated by Roberta Robbins went to: No. 2 – Jack Wilson (9’8″) (whaaa?), No. 6 – “Mr. KP” Kit Ledbetter (12’1″), No. 12 – Ben Biggers (12’11”), and Devin Harmala (1’7″).
More photos can be seen here.
Following one of the nicest weather weeks of the year, fourteen hickory hackers were eagerly anticipating a glorious walk in the wooded glen of Kingston for NWHP’s outing at White Horse Golf Club on April 2. Four days of sun and dry weather had everyone licking their chops for a fast and dry track. En route to the course, everyone, from the North, the South and the East encountered what we thought was “marine layer.” “Surely this will burn off by 10 a.m. and we’ll shed these layers and slather on the sunscreen.” Nope. We teed off at 9:58 a.m. in a steady drizzle, and it persistent for more than half of the round; umbrellas were out and the rooster tails were waving at every shot as if to taunt us. Nine players managed net scores in the 70s and gross scores ranged from 74 to 115! Captain von Lossow took home the low-net honors at 69 and Larry Hardy, net runner-up at 71. A certain “Driscoll Boyd” scrawled his name on the KP sheet on hole 6 in what every other players believed was a 2’6″ ending point. Funny… No one beat that proximity. The group shared a hearty laugh on learning that what we thought was “Boyd” was actually “13 yards,” so the listing actually credited a tee shot that landed 41 feet from the stick! Thanks, Boyd! John Wise took the actual KP at 18 feet, and Rob Birman, the day’s host, won the KP on number 13 with a shot to 5’4″. With soggy feet and faint misgivings, the group consoled itself with a little IPA and good natured ribbing at the Clubhouse as a freshly-minted juvenile eagle practiced his “touch and go” landings on the pond aside the final hole. Thanks to Martin Pool for taking photos.
Special thanks to NWHP co-founder Jack”son” Wilson for arranging what turned into the first hickory golf outing of the spring season on a near 60-degree afternoon on a challengingly short muni course that everyone agreed was a thrill to play with antique clubs. Playing 4,741 from the tips, this course still had a great variety of hole designs, some false fronts, some smart, menacing bunkers and narrow fairways with plenty of trees, doglegs and subtle demands on strategy. With a par of 62 and no par 5s at all, all of us were still able to hit brassies off of many tees – simply put, this was cool. 11 players joined the day, with Jim von Lossow shooting a net 60, Jerry Olson, net 62 and Jack Wilson, net 63. There was an impromptu club swap in the parking lot and some good pitchers of local IPA after the round at a local establishment. We recommend this little course!
Twenty-two intrepid souls of the Northwest Hickory Players gathered on the coldest day of the year (28 degrees at tee time, though under brilliant skies) at the Hawks Tundra … er … Prairie Golf Course in Lacey, Washington on New Year’s Day.
We were excited to welcome new hickory players Sharon McCarty, Rick Plumb, Goose Guenette, Joe Scorcio, and Tom Kennedy to the second anniversary celebration of our distinguished group.
Kit Ledbetter won the low net honors and cash prizes with a fine 69 (78 – 9) followed by Jim von Lossow’s 70 (76 – 6). Newcomer Tom Kennedy was next at 72 (88 – 16), then Steve Simmons (89 – 16) and Martin Pool (86 – 13), both with 73s picking up the scraps. John Quickstad, Tracy Skinner, and Kit Ledbetter won KP prizes.
The story of the day involves Jack Wilson, he a collector of many exotic and fine clubs, who played his “waterfall” mashie niblick (who would play a waterfall?!?) over a pond. Aghast, Jack watched in horror as the shaft broke and the head of the precious waterfall sailed into the pond. Actually, it would be more accurate to say it sailed onto the pond, for the pond was still iced over. The head clattered across the frozen surface to the other side where Jack was able to rescue the darn thing.
After the round, the group gathered at the home of Rob and Susan Ahlschwede to thaw out and to celebrate the occasion. Susan prepared a delicious pot of stew and other goodies. There were lots of oohs and aahs over Rob’s collection of hickories and other treasures. Thanks Rob and Susan for hosting!
Complete photos available here! Happy 2016!
The first-annual Gamble Sands Hickory Championship was a thrilling experience for everyone involved. Held in early October, conditions were brisk, to say the least. 30 MPH gusts greeted players as they arrived for the first round, and only grew in strength as the day progressed. However, the sun shined and the troops (including two foursomes from Southern Wine and Spirits all new to hickory) marched on. The conditions lent themselves to the true Scottish links feel of the miraculous David Kidd design that opened in August 2014.
Jim Von Lossow, a Washington-based golf professional, won his third northwest hickory title in as many weeks. On Sept. 19, he won the inaugural Pacific Northwest Hickory Championship over the historic Foster Golf Links in Tukwila, Wash. On Sept. 26, he claimed the Washington State Hickory Open title on The Home Course in Dupont, Wash., in the process setting the modern hickory course record of 75. He capped off his three-week run with the current victory at Gamble Sands, shooting a brilliant 76.
Club professional David Christenson and his wife Jennifer lead an expert team of support staff, from their celebrated chef to the caddie team and wait staff – amazing, all. Gamble Sands created gorgeous decanter-trophies for winners in three divisions, Open, Senior and Ladies. The course has an auld-school layout, with nine holes out and nine back. This meant prevailing winds for the front nine and head winds coming in! The vistas from the 300-acre site are spectacular and groups often paused to watch distant teams play their approach shots with awe.
Massive green complexes included steady and vexing subtle breaks, making the all-fescue experience reminiscent of Chambers Bay for many players. Scores on Day One averaged in the low 90s, making von Lossow’s 76 quite impressive. The Captain, in response to the wind, set tee markers at 5,600 yards on Saturday, and 6,200 yards on a fairly calm and sunny Sunday morning. High points of the weekend included a top-shelf dinner and extensive Scotch tasting and discussion coordinated by our friends from Southern Wine and Spirits in Seattle as the sun nestled into the mountainous surroundings.
A thoroughly generous affair, the Gamble Sands Hickory Championship also set its awards for the net winners of each division, with prizes for first-time players as well as an assortment of raffle items including a $300 Steuer & Jacoby Model 50 golf club carrier (won by John Quickstad), a custom-etched flask set won by a member of the Scotch contingent (fittingly) and more.
As though things couldn’t possible improve from the first day, players were rewarded with a presentation by author Tony Dear after Sunday’s round and the debut launch of his new book, “The Story of Golf in Fifty Holes.” Dear joined Christenson and von Lossow in the presentation of the trophies to a receptive and sated group who could talk of nothing else of the return to this stunning course in 2016.
As with many NWHP events, we had a strong showing from our friends in Oregon and we all joined in celebrating Port Townsend pro, Gabe Tonan’s 41st birthday on Sunday. Tonan and Birman gave the new “golf boards” a whirl at the course, but admittedly, there is something disjunct about the knickers and surf boards! Tim, one of Gamble Sands’ caddies, played both days with a total of three clubs and broke 100 each day. Many competitors were cajoled into putting from the 120-135-yard tee boxes on several par threes, which was entirely do-able due to the fine conditioning of the fairways and greens.
In the pantheon of hickory events, this has the strong potential to become one of the greats in the Northwest. We thank the owners and operators of Gamble Sands for their warm embrace of our traditions and look forward to topping the inaugural effort in 2016!
Congratulations to Open champion, Jim von Lossow, Senior champion, Martin Pool, and Ladies champion, Liz Keeler, for their fine play!
Complete photos are available here.
The Northwest Hickory Players conducted its inaugural Pacific Northwest Hickory Championship and Trade Show on Sept 19-20 over the historic Foster Golf Links in Tukwila, Washington and the Chandler Egan-designed West Seattle Golf Course. In a thrilling finish Jim Von Lossow of Seattle edged Scott Miller of Issaquah, WA by a single shot with a fine score of 148 (73-75) in the Open Division.
Both von Lossow and Miller chased down the first round leader Dave Paremski of Sammamish, WA who led with a 71 at Foster. Paremski and Miller are new to hickory golf and were playing in their first hickory tournament. What a performance by these fellas!
Rob Ahlschwede of Olympia, WA was the champion of the Senior Division and Roberta Robbins of Kenmore, WA was the champion of the Women’s Division. Martin Pool was the net champion in Open Division, Steve Franich in the Senior Division, and Paula Anderson in the Women’s Division. The champions had the honor of taking the first drinks out of an 1864 Royal Burgess Golfing Society Quaich trophy.
Shot of the day on day one goes to Dave Paremski who hit a towering Stewart 2 iron from 200 yards on the 420 yard #6 hole at Foster to fly it to the green and stop the ball five feet from the hole to make his first hickory birdie on his first hickory round.
Shot of the day on day two goes to Devin Harmala who on the par 3, 11th hole at West Seattle, hit his tee shot, struck von Lossow’s golf bag left greenside, knocked the bag over, caromed straight right onto the green where Harmala was able to save par. That shot is now known as a “baggie” and no doubt contributed to Harmala winning the honey pot.
Thanks also to Peter Yagi, world-renowned purveyor of fine golf books, who hosted a Trade Show at his house on the lake following Saturday’s round where players traded stories as well as clubs. The group also honored the birthday of Rob Ahlschwede with a special ceremony – the number is too high to repeat!
Thirty hickory players participated in the 2015 Gearhart Hickory Classic at the historic Gearhart Golf Links (est. 1892) on the beautiful Oregon coast. A strong contingent of California players and a Texan joined us for Northwest Hickory Players’ first major event of the year.
During Friday’s practice round, we held a fun Ryder Cup style match with WA/OR against CA/TX with the northern side prevailing 7-3 in singles matches (and 23-7 in the singles and fourball points competition). Joining us in the match was first time hickory player Wedgy Winchester, matched against Rob Birman playing his pre-1900 longnose and other ancient implements. Wedgy, a well know trick-shot artist, entertained us after the round. We renamed him “Niblick” Winchester.
Day 1 began with a trade show with many fine clubs and golf memorabilia for sale and for barter. The golf competition began under glowering skies, perfect Scottish weather conditions, to remind us of golf’s origins. A wee bit of wind, a wee bit of rain, and a wee bit of sunshine. The day saw some high scores on the difficult, heavily bunkered course. In the Open Division, Jim von Lossow and Steve Henneuse led the field with a 78 and a 79 respectively. In the Senior Division, Matt Nelson led with an 86 followed by Martin Pool with a 87. Liz Keeler from Oregon City led the Women’s Division with a fine 103.
Day 2 was played under smiling skies and sunshine. In the Open Division, Jim von Lossow ran away with the Open title with a steady 79. In the Senior Division, Galen Peterson came back from behind with an 83 to nip three players by one stroke for the Senior title. Liz Keeler won the Women’s Division net title. Special mention goes to Stacy Brown from California who shot a fabulous 92, a mere 21 shots better from day 1!
Open Division Winners:
Open Champion: Jim von Lossow – 157; 2nd Gross: Steve Henneuse – 169; 3rd Gross: Dave McDonald – 177
Net Champion: Devin Harmala – 136; 2nd Net: Rob Birman – 151; 3rd Net: John Quickstad – 156
Senior Division Winners:
Senior Champion: Galen Peterson – 173; 2nd Gross: Chuck McCollum – 174; 3rd Gross: Mike Kosich – 179
Senior Net Champion: Matt Nelson – 144; 2nd Net: Martin Pool – 144; 3rd Net: Steve Wilt – 149
Women’s Division Winners:
Women’s Net Champion: Liz Keeler – 143; 2nd Net: Stacy Brown – 155
Congratulations to all the winners! And a special thanks to Jason Bangild, the gracious club professional at Gearhart Golf Links for his enthusiasm and support. Complete photos are online here.
The Pacific Northwest was represented again this year at the second annual World Hickory Match Play by NWHP co-founder Robert Birman, and for the first time, by young Grayson Gibbony from AP National. The Cricket Club has recently been designated as the permanent home for the World Hickory Match Play, and it offers a tremendous historic setting for this event. Players from the United States, Canada, Finland and Switzerland hickory golf associations were on hand. The weather cooperated this year, producing relatively cool temperatures and low humidity. The event includes two divisions. A champion’s division for winners of 2014 tournaments, in which Gibbony appeared. And a player’s division for hickory players selected by invitation, under which Birman appeared for the second time. The field is limited to sixteen players in each division and players are grouped in two-person, nine-hole matches by blind draw with no strokes given. Contestants play under 1928 rules of golf, with the stymie rule in effect. Rob won his first two matches 6-and-3 for a strong start, and halved his third. By the end of round two, he was in second place in the player’s division. By round three, in fourth place with a total of 16.5 points for Day One. He was pitted against two seven-handicappers on Day Two (one of whom won the entire division) for the final two rounds and ended in 10th place overall (the “buzz saw” effect). The Club’s historian was on hand for a dinner presentation on the opening night, and Louisville Golf’s Mike Just was honored for his lifetime achievement in hickory golf. He appeared, along with World Hickory Open founder Lionel Freeman who provided Mike’s nomination, via video, to accept the award. The PCC hosted US Opens in 1907 and 1910. Just nine holes remain today on the St. Martins course. It is a terrific test of golf and a thrilling event through which to be associated with the greats of the game.
The Northwest Hickory Players were well represented on Saturday, May 16, 2015, at the opening of the new club house at Jefferson Park Golf Course in Seattle. Because it was the centennial anniversary of the course as well, a celebration of its history was also in order. Rob Ahlschwede and Jack Wilson brought several dozen putters, various spoons, niblicks and mashies, as well as an interesting sample of “old” golf balls and tees for the patrons to touch, try out and enjoy. The first Jefferson Park trophy, won by Claire Griswold in 1918, was also on display, provided by NWHP member Martin Pool. Sharing the history of the grand old game with folks of all ages made for a delightful day at Jefferson.
Eleven hickory players played the historic and beautifully conditioned Tacoma Country and Golf Club. Medalist of the day was Rob Ahlschwede with a fine 84 on a difficult layout featuring its many strategically placed bunkers and diabolically fast greens.
We played a two best net of team competition and Team Anderson (Paula Anderson, Rob Birman, Rob Ahlschwede, Steve Franich) ran away and hid with an unbelievably good score of 123 (-21), followed by Team Ledbetter (Kit Ledbetter, Martin Pool, Roberta Robbins, blind draw Steve Franich) with a 132 (-12), followed by Team Peterson (Galen Peterson, Jack Wilson, Jon Klingler, Chuck McCollum) at 138 (-6).
“Shot of the day went to Martin who hit a screaming mid-iron shot 175 yards through a wee hole in the trees (pictured above) to save par on #11.
Fifteen hickory players celebrated the Centennial of the Jefferson Park Golf Course (opened May 12, 1915) with fun-filled outing on a gorgeous day in Seattle. We were joined by Colin Gants, multiple winner of the Washington State Hickory Championship, Roy Niznik, former Seattle Amateur Champion, Chuck McCollum all the way from Sacramento, Devin Harmala, and Durel Billy. We received well wishes from Bob Lorentzen, the 2000 Washington State Hickory Champion and winner of numerous tournaments at Jefferson Park, and who had hoped to join us. See you out there soon Bob!
To mark the occasion, several players played with golf clubs associated with Jefferson Park including clubs made by Joe Jefferson (first pro at Jefferson from 1915 – 1944), and Robert Johnstone and “Long Jim” Barnes (Jefferson’s architects). A tailgate party followed with home brew provided by Captain Jim von Lossow, who played with a full set of Joe Jefferson clubs.
Medalist honors went to Martin Pool with an 81, followed by Jim von Lossow (82), Durel Billy (85), Peter Yagi (87), Chuck McCollum (88), Rob Ahlschwede (88), Roy Niznik (89), Devin Harmala (90), Larry Hardy (91), Paula Anderson (95), John Quickstad (96), and Roberta Robbins (97). Colin Gants, Jon Klingler, and Jack Wilson were not able to complete the round due to family obligations. Shot of the day went to Colin Gants who hit a beautiful brassie shot into No. 8 which left him with a 15 foot eagle putt.
Twelve NWHP members enjoyed a magical day of 75-degrees in the sun on one of the immaculate courses in the state of Washington. In partnership with our colleagues at the Puget Sound Golf Association, nearly 150 golfers competed in a gathering at the 1919-designed Inglewood Country Club.
We welcomed back John Wise who was one of pioneers of hickory golf in Washington some 15-20 years ago. Port Townsend NWHP member, Gabe Tonan, may have had the low round of the entire day (with hickory or modern clubs) as he posted an impressive round of 77. Birman shot an 89; Pool 91; Ahlschwede 97; Klingler and Wise 102; new member (and first-time player!) Kent Ahlf; club historian at Inglewood, posted a strong 107; and Robbins 113. Other players failed to save their score card at the end of the day. A portent of their day on the very challenging track? You make the call. With a slope rating from the regular white tees of 131 and nary a flat spot on the fairways, many players found this test to be wondrous.
Inglewood has alluring vistas from all parts of the course, with lakes, streams, views of the mountains and hillside woods. NWHP extends our thanks to the members at Inglewood for making this special opportunity possible. PSGA had a sold-out event and managed the day with quiet expertise. We are proud to partner with Puget Sound Golf Association as we build interest in the auld game.
Easter Sunday 2015 was a nearly perfect day for golf on a nicely manicured and dry layout at Gold Mountain. Two groups went off the first tee starting at 10:33 a.m., including one brand new player (George Randels) and one very recent addition (Tracy Skinner). While the air was brisk, players were soon in their shirtsleeves for what was surely one of the nicer days in the past six months. The low gross of the day went to Martin Pool, with an 88. Birman and Wilson carded even-90s and Mr. Franich, a 92. Gold Mountain isn’t an ideal hickory course, but its setting and conditioning are rarely matched on the Olympic Peninsula. There was ample enthusiasm to plan for a gutty event in the near future for NWHP as players shared a pint or two in the clubhouse after the round. High points of the day were Pool’s birdie on #16 (par three) and Birman’s on the par-4 finishing hole. In honor of The Masters tournament this week, some players attempted to skip balls across the pond on #16. Randels and Pool achieved the most respectable results, with not a single player’s attempt making it to the opposing side!
MARCH 20-22, 2015 – RIVERSIDE, OR
The threat of rain didn’t stop our intrepid hickory golfers from playing at the historic Riverside Golf and Country Club in Portland, Oregon on Friday, March 20. Nine golfers teed off in the early afternoon under gray skies. We welcomed new players Scott Voetberg from Gresham, Oregon and Tim Vaughn from Arizona, and Peter Yagi from Seattle who finally made his long-awaited and much-anticipated hickory debut.
The medalist of the day was Jim von Lossow with a fine 79 on a difficult course. The shot of the day was Peter’s near hole-in-one on number four but who somehow managed to foozle his wee putt. The most unexpected shot was executed by Scott V. on the second hole when his tee shot caromed off Martin’s wooden bag stand amputating one of its legs. Gentleman Scott more than made amends in the clubhouse afterwards.
On Saturday and Sunday, players attended the 29th Annual Golf antique Show hosted by Pat Sutton, head professional at Riverside and also the Golf Collectors Society Region 8 Director. Thank you Pat for a great show and hospitality. Many fine golf antiques and clubs were on display and for sale.
Six members of NWHP ventured to Scottsdale for the Arizona Desert Hickory hosted by Ken Holtz. With a gulf-stream out of whack, and snowfall in Dallas the week of the event, forecasts called for 90% chance of rain both days of the tournament and highs in the upper 50s, lower 60s (normal is 80). Members Pool, Robbins, Birman, Peterson, Barrie and Hardy were on site. It rained like hell leading up to the opening tee time, but with the virtual first shot of the event, the skies cleared and the entire round was held under semi-pleasant, yet chilly conditions. Strong winds pushed scoring uncommonly high. The fairways were in pristine condition and the greens had been rolled before the rains, and they were speedy. Day Two was even better, with intermittent sun and low winds. Following the awards ceremony and lunch, the rain suddenly reappeared. For NW players, this is a terrific event and you are encouraged to join us next year! It is an SoHG function and drew large quantities of west coast players from California to Canada. Congratulations to Roberta Robbins for winning the net ladies division and to co-hosts Galen and Shelley Peterson. Barry Field and Dennis Scott from AP National Hickory Golfers joined as well – it was nice to reconnect with them on the links. Nearly every player earned a door prize at the Saturday night dinner reception, and raffle prizes galore were offered as part of the festivities. A large club swap/sale was also presented on the opening day. Bravo!
NWHP hosted a fine outing on a 56-degree day in February at the 1925 Foster Links in Tukwila. Some concurred that, to their mind, this may have been one of the most enjoyable afternoons in the history of the association. While short and with a modest slope rating of 101, the course still carries a fair amount of defense. Wet underfoot, the greens ran slowly, but the members enjoyed the many two-tiered greens and the subtle design elements that make Foster Links a dandy of a hickory-era track. The group was assigned to groupings, and then into random pairings for a net score best-ball competition.
The winners:
Pool/Skinner net 56; Wilson/Anderson 61 (won in card off); Ahlschwede/Ledbetter 61; Birman/Hardy 62; Von Lossow/Niznik 62; Von Lossow/Franich 62; Buckingham/Robbins 67
Jack 81; Larry H 94; Paula 103; Rob B 82
Rob A 87; Kit Ledbetter 84; Jim 77; Roy Niznik 82; Steve Franich 89
Martin 78; Roberta 108; Tracy 114; Larry B 86
Steve Simmons 88
Eleven hickory players turned out on a beautiful January day at R. W. Ball-designed Allenmore Golf Course (est. 1931) in Tacoma, WA. We had three new players join our intrepid group: Steve Franich, Larry Buckingham, and Tracy Skinner. We played a handicap four ball medal competition and in a close contest, the team of Buckingham and Hardy prevailed with a score of 68. Final result:
Buckingham – Hardy 68
Von Lossow 70
Wilson – Skinner 71
Ahlschwede – Klingler 72
Franich – Robbins 72
Pool – Anderson 72
Buckingham and Hardy each won a set of NW Hickory Players drink coasters, handcrafted and given by our Captain Von. Highlights of the day included a birdie two by our newcomer Tracy Skinner, in his first hickory outing, for a net zero. (Should that even be legal?) Captain Von debuted a Duncan Model Special little spoon from his arsenal of clubs. Asked to describe his birdie four on the difficult par five #11, he said: “It was a Duncan-Duncan-Duncan-Forgan!”
A hearty band of NW hickory players convened on a brisk morning at Kitsap Golf & Country Club where it was 25-degrees in the shade and a balmy 32 in the sun. This was all in the spirit of honoring the first anniversary of this esteemed association. The group welcomed newcomer, Kent Quickstad to the group in addition to Larry Hardy, who was making only his second full-scale outing with his very own bag of antique clubs. Special permission was granted to the association for play on this day with thanks to head professional, Al Patterson. Due to the winter conditions, most of the course was playing to temporary greens with 8″ cups which added to the mystique of the affair. With no reliable distances, nor groomed putting surfaces, the low rounds of the day were shared by two players at a whopping 84! Good taste requires that all players are their respective scores remain unattributed. Players settled in for some grub following the icy stroll at the famed “19th Hole” nearby and ushered in the New Year with warm conviviality and good cheer.
11 players came out on a gorgeous but crisp December morning at Lynnwood Golf Club for the final outing of the inaugural year. New players Larry Hardy and Bill Razeto played their first hickory round. Sandbagger (LOL) Larry Hardy won low putts and $50, eliminating his amateur status forever. Deuce pot was split among Rob Ahlschwede, Martin Pool, and Captain Jim at $15 each. Low net was won by stylish Jack Wilson, Martin Pool, and John Quicksand for $15 each. Par 65; low net 61. Other players included Andrew von Lossow, Roberta Robbins, Steve Simmons, and Jon Klingler. A workshop regarding hickory club shafting was held at Vons Golf following the game, with plenty of home brew and sliders and lots of gabbing. Cheers!
The final outing of the year was held at Bellevue municipal golf course in Washington, in advance of the groups’s year-end holiday gathering at the home of Martin Pool and Roberta Robbins. Seven players participated on a cool, slightly damp morning. The course was in fine shape and the spirit of the golfers was high. One highlight of the day was a chip-in birdie on the 225-yard tenth hole by Mr. Birman who went on to post a 79 with seven clubs in his bag. Jim von Lossow also carded one birdie and shot in the mid 70s. We were again happy to welcome some new members to the group at the Holiday Party who were unable to play during the day. Pool and Robbins gave the group a tour of their impressive memorabilia collection and vintage golf items. All members look forward to the New Year and many fine outings ahead.
Nine hickory players, including new member Larry Hardy, teed it up at the challenging Oakbrook Country Club on a beautiful fall day. Martin Pool won the medalist honors with a 79, followed closely by Jim von Lossow (80), Rob Birman (81), and Tom Driscoll (82). The shot of the day goes to Larry Hardy, playing hickories for the first time, as he nearly holed his shot with a borrowed George Nicoll mid-iron on the par 3 #16, finishing just 8 inches away dead on line. Best dressed award goes to Jon Klingler who had the perfect pre-1900 garb. So good that the black and white photo above (circa 1890) from North Berwick shows a gentleman on the left whose resemblance is so close that he could have been Jon’s great, great grandfather or uncle. Well … it could be … you never know!
Twelve avid auld school players convened at Whitehorse on a brisk, fall morning resplendant in their finery. Included in the outing were several new recruits, including two Olympic Peninsula golf professionals, Gabe Tonan from Port Townsend GC and Adam Barrows from Port Ludlow GC. New member, Galen Peterson, set the terms for “40-ball,” a team format in which each team selects twenty net scores per nine-holes, each being settled prior to arrival at the next tee box. While the game’s format engendered lively discussion over lunch following the outing, a review of the scorecards demonstrated that, when adjusted for handicaps, the team of Birman, Peterson, Ahlschwede and Wilson prevailed at -18 (net) for the round. Praise was lavished on Jack Wilson who had the only deuce of the day (in fact, two of them!). Wilson carded a chip-in on the first hole for a birdie-net-eagle and a holed sand shot on the back nine for the same. Wilson earned $80 for the deuce pot and the winning team shared the spoils of $120 among them. We were happy to welcome Paula Anderson and Jon Klingler to our fold. Thanks to all who ventured out. The course was in great shape, yet slower than normal due to heavy rain 24 hours prior to the event.
Two day hickory outing on the Olympic Peninsula. Gabriel Tonan was the medalist for the two days with fine scores of 73-78.
Port Townsend Golf Course:
Low Putts 28: Tie between Adam Barrows and Gabriel Tonan. $17.50 each. Skins: Roberta Robbins, Rob Ahlschwede, Martin Pool, Gabriel Tonan, Adams Barrows $5 each. Deuce Pot: none, carry over to Port Ludlow
Port Ludlow Golf Course:
Low Putts 29: Gabriel Tonan $35, Skins: Jim von Lossow, Roberta Robbins, Galen Peterson (3), Adam Barrows, Gabriel Tonan, Martin Pool (2). $3 each. Deuce Pot: Galen Peterson $13, Adam Barrows $27, Jim von Lossow $27
Washington/Oregon defeats California 14 1/2 to 13 1/2 in an epic battle! Twenty-eight players participated in the first annual Pacific Hickory Cup over the historic Gearhart Golf Links (est. 1892) in Gearhart, OR. Hickory players from Washington and Oregon, representing the Northwest Hickory Players, were matched against players from California, representing the Pacific Coast Hickory Golfers and NorCal Hickory Golf. Matches were played straight up – with no handicaps given.
Day one morning rounds began with fourball matches. Washington/Oregon jumped to a 4 to 3 lead. The two sides then played the foursomes matches in the afternoon. California made a strong comeback with a 4 1/2 to 2 1/2 showing to overtake Washington/Oregon by a score of 7 1/2 to 6 1/2 to end the day.
Day two were the singles matches. It appeared California would claim the inaugural cup as they forged to a 12 1/2 to 9 1/2 lead in the early stages, but a string of five victories in a row in the late stages by Washington/Oregon turned the matches around and they prevailed 8 to 6 on day two. Final score: Washington/Oregon 14 1/2 and California 13 1/2.
Looking forward to the rematch in 2015! (Photos courtesy of Roberta Robbins, Roxanne Beer, and Gearhart Golf Links).
The Pacific Coast Hickory Golfers hosted the 3rd annual North-South Hickory Tournament at the beautiful and historic Pacific Grove Golf Links on the Monterey Peninsula. H. Chandler Egan designed the front 9 in 1932 and Jack Neville the back 9 in 1960. In a tight match which came down to the last foursome, the North prevailed over the South by a score of 15-12.
Steve Henneuse of NorCal Hickory Golf won the individual honors in the Open Division with a score 76-80. The Northwest Hickory Players represented itself well with Jim von Lossow winning the Senior Division with a score of 74-76 (tournament record), Martin Pool was second gross with 88-80, Roberta Robbins was 2nd gross in the Ladies Division with 99-93, and Rob Ahlschwede finished 3rd net.
Special thanks to Eddie and Darcie Breeden for organizing the event, and to Kris Surano and Steve Henneuse for their hospitality. Great time and looking forward to 2015!
NW Hickory Players represented at the inaugural World Match Play Championship held at Philadelphia Cricket Club. NWHickoryPlayers co-founder, Robert Birman, had the honor of representing the Pacific Northwest region at this year’s first-ever international match play event under the auspices of the US Hickory Players Club and the Cricket Club of Philadelphia. This event included two divisions of sixteen competitors each. The Champion’s Division included winners or runners up in the major international hickory tournaments, worldwide, and by invitation only, a Players’ Division composed of competitors who have entered Championship Series with the Society of Hickory Golfers or events recognized by the World Hickory Open in Scotland.
The three-day match play tournament was held on June 16-18 at the St. Martins course, located in Chestnut Hill, which was opened in 1895 and designed by Willie Tucker. It hosted the United States Open Championship in 1907 (won by Alec Ross) and in 1910 (won by Alex Smith). Nine holes remain open today and the course has been recently renovated.
The format of the event was a thrill. Each competitor was guaranteed no fewer than five nine-hole matches, no strokes given, to be played in full, allowing any golfer the opportunity to garner nine points, maximum, in any one match. Tied holes were worth half a point, winning holes were worth one point. In addition, players were subject to the Rules of Golf as they existed in 1925, which brought into play the stymie and ball drops over the right shoulder. At no time during a hole was a player permitted to touch their ball; only after the ball was holed. (There were a few exceptions to this rule, since groups were sent in fours. If an adjoining twosome’s match left a ball in the line of the other match’s putt, the ball could be marked but not cleaned, etc.) Not surprisingly, stymies came into play at key moments in numerous matches.
In addition, the St. Martins course features old-school design elements, most prominently a single cut line on fairways and on greens, creating many instances of shots “on the collar,” especially on greens. Temperatures were in the 90s with high humidity and Birman assures that the gnat population is most definitely alive and well in Philadelphia. The nine-hole format meant that modern match play strategies needed to be modified as players were eligible to earn up to four full points even if they were “defeated” 5-and-4 in the midst of the match. No such win-or-lose scenario existed under this event’s format.
There were some fearsome competitors, and a representative array of players with handicaps from scratch to eighteen. All players played from the same tee boxes at a total yardage of 2,617 at a slope rating of 117. An opening-day blind-draw foursome match allowed players from both divisions to mix and mingle while familiarizing themselves with the course. A dinner ceremony on the first night established the blind-draw for all five rounds. Final matches for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each division were scheduled at the conclusion of the fifth round. All players were required to play the McIntyre Ouimet mesh golf ball with equipment scantioned by the SoHG.
The course is phenomenal. While it may seem an easy test at 2,600 yards, every hole demands the use of strategy off the tee. Some holes require less than driver on the box, and treacherous rough and fescue areas add heavy penalties for wayward drives. There is significant sloping in the greens and clever angles to negotiate from numerous tees, some of which are purposely aimed away from fairways. At least four holes cross roadways and canted fairways add the final defense to a gorgeous layout and fitting test of traditional golf.
The winning point totals, in both divisions, were 30 (Champions) and 30.5 (Players). Birman earned 22 points over five matches and was the only player in the field to earn eight points in a single match. All players were provided with custom-engraved player badges and medals as part of the ceremonial dinners planned throughout the event. World Hickory Open founder, Lionel Freedman, from England, was on hand to provide a keynote speech on the second evening and to announce each player at the first tee for all rounds. A standard bearer and fellow compatriots followed the first-place match, which went to extra holes and was ultimately won, one-up, by golf professional Jeremy Moe (Hardscuffle Golf Club) over his Swiss playing partner, and six-year veteran of the European Tour, Paolo Quirici (2013 World Hickory Open champion). Bill Ernst (Wisconsin Hickory Golf Association) defeated Chris Ream (Canadian Hickory Association) for honors in the Players Division.
On July 4th, the US Hickory Players Club founder, Brian Schuman, announced that the Philadelphia Cricket Club will be the permanent host for this annual event. Players may qualify for an invitation to the tournament by entering events under the SoHG Championship Series or other International events. Those who place (1st, 2nd or 3rd) are eligible to qualify.
Birman was pleased to join a handful of players the day after the event for a private tour of the clubhouse and extensive archives at the Merion Golf Club, site of the 2013 US Open. Members of the club hosted the hickory enthusiasts for lunch on the patio by the first tee and a round of 18 holes on the Club’s West Course. Eight players enjoyed that rare opportunity despite heavy rainfall, high temperatures and the inglorious gnats. The event is scheduled to be held in May next year (2015).
AP National Golf Club hosted 26 hickory players in the Vintage Hickory Invitational at the Meadow Park Golf Course in Tacoma to commemorate the course’s 99 year anniversary. Jim Von Lossow was the Men’s low gross winner with a 77. Dennis Scott was the low net winner with a 68. Roberta Robbins won the Ladies low gross with a 90.
Eight hickory players turned out on a beautiful day in Skagit County. The team of Richard Canapo, John Quickstad, Martin Pool, Roberta Robbins played a best two net of four match against the team of Rob Ahlschwede, Rob Birman, Robb Howard and Jim von Lossow. Team Canapo won by default following a scorecard malfunction by Team Ahlschwede.
Jack Wilson reports that 43 participants took part in the St. Andrews Hickory charity event to benefit the Wounded Warriors program at the American Lake Veterans Golf Course. Over $5000 was raised from the tournament and raffle.
Nine hickory players played the fabulous and historic Chandler Egan designed golf course at the Riverside Golf and Country Club (est.1925) in Portland, Oregon. Four players from Oregon, four from Washington, and one Californian played a Oregon vs. Washington team best-ball match. Tied after 16 holes, Washington won the last two holes to prevail 2 up.
Representing Washington: Martin Pool, Roberta Robbins, Jack Wilson, Bernie Housden
Representing Oregon: Bill Keeler, Liz Keeler, John Sneed, Rick Reznick
Also playing from California: John Sweeney
Special thanks to Pat Sutton, GCS Regional Director and Riverside Golf Professional, for opening the course to us.
The AP National Golf Club hosted 26 hickory players on a frosty, crisp Sunday at Lipoma Firs. Format was one best gross of team and individual low gross.
1st place: 73 Team Anderson ( Lee Anderson, Mike Durham, Jim von Lossow) $100
2nd place: 74 Team Boyd (Gerald Boyd, Brian Giboney, Andrew von Lossow) $60
1st place individual: 75 Jim von Lossow Magnificent trophy (see photo above)
KPs: Rob Ahlschwede (2), Brian Giboney, Martin Pool $15
8 players. 20 ante each. match play one on one, draw for matches, low putts, deuce pot
Match 1 Richard Canapo vs Walt Bankowski R. Canapo 1 up
Match 2 Roberta Robbins vs Rob Birman Rob B 3 and 2
Match 3 Martin Pool vs Jim von Lossow Von L 2 and 1
Match 4 Bill Keeler vs Jack Wilson B. Keeler 1 up
Match play winner +$30 – low putts 30 Von L +$20 – ps/ no deuces, cash into match play pot