Spring/Summer Golf in Oregon
An affiliate in Oregon is helping rally players in Oregon for some springtime outings….we encourage you to join in!
Here are upcoming events in the state of Oregon. Links will connect with with Brandon Bunke who is coordinating these events for NWHP.
April 18, 2021: OREGON CITY GOLF CLUB OUTING, Oregon City GC, Oregon City, OR
Greens fees will be $35, payable at the course; optional cash game with a $20 buy in and a stroke play format
May 23, 2021: EASTMORELAND GOLF COURSE OUTING, Eastmoreland GC, Portland, OR
Greens fees will be $47, payable at the course; optional cash game with a $20 buy in and a stroke play format
June 6, 2021: GLENDOVEER GOLF COURSE OUTING, Glendoveer GC, Portland, OR
Greens fees will be $42, payable at the course; optional cash game with a $20 buy in and a stroke play format
July 31 – August 1, 2021 – OREGON HICKORY OPEN, OGA Course, Woodburn, OR & Salem GC, Salem, OR
Entry fee (two day competition) is $125, see link for details!