2025 Spud Cup
June 7-8, 2025
River Birch Golf Course
Star, Idaho
The Spud Cup will be back for its third year and will be better than ever. Idaho’s hickory shaft golf championship will be a two-day event, June 7-8 (Saturday – Sunday), to be held at the beautiful River Birch Golf Course in Star, ID. This is the weekend following Memorial Day weekend. There will be a team format on Day 1 as last year as well as 36-hole individual competition in several divisions. Authentic hickory shafted clubs will be available to those unlucky enough to not possess their own. A Saturday afternoon/evening Spud Fest dinner is planned with raffle, and an award presentation will follow Sunday’s play. Details in the enclosed entry form.
Entry will be limited to the first 40 to register, with a waiting list if over 40 entries are received.
Original or approved replica pre-1935 hickory shafted clubs as authorized by the SoHG equipment guidelines (https://www.hickorygolfers.com). Vintage clubs will be available FREE OF CHARGE, courtesy of the Northwest Hickory Players, on the practice range prior to Friday’s round – please take care of the equipment and return promptly at the end of your Saturday round.
Recommended Golfing Attire
Players are encouraged to dress in period attire, though not required. Knickers, plus-fours, period flat caps, boaters, ties, vests, skirts, cloches etc. add to the fun. If looking for ideas, view the Society of Hickory Golfers website – lots of photos there. Baseball caps are not cool, dudes and dudettes.
Green Fees
Pay your green fees each day at the pro shop. The course is very walkable, but power carts are available.