Chambers Bay 18 | January 30 and 31

Super Duper Deal… The deal everyone’s been asking for; Chambers Bay at a low seasonal rate! Only $70 + tax! Sorry, no carts. UPDATE!
Peter Yagi has tee times on Saturday January 30th from 11:00 a.m., spaces for 44 players. He just added another 32 spaces for Sunday, January 31, starting at 11:12 a.m. for the low daily rate. There will be a $20 “buy in” for challenges and prizes each day, $10 of which will be donated to the U.S. Hickory Open fund for 2021. Hickory players will have first priority but modern players will be invited later since we have quite a few times. IF YOU WISH TO PLAY BOTH DAYS, YOU NEED TO RSVP SEPARATELY FOR EACH. The new greens have come in beautifully and are great putting surfaces.
Meanwhile, here are some founding day shots!