Sue Tracy Wins the Women’s Division at the World Hickory Open
By Tom Tracy Susan Tracy, of Star, Idaho, playing out of River Birch Golf Course, captured the Ladies Division of the 2022 World Hickory Open, played in the Highlands of Scotland on October 11-13. The W.H.O. annually draws hickory shaft enthusiasts from around the world to compete over classic Scottish courses. The great Sandy Lyle has won the men’s division twice. Tracy ran away with the gross competition, winning by 22 strokes on three difficult, world-famous links courses near Inverness. The 54-hole stroke play event was held over the links of Nairn, Castle Stuart and Royal Dornoch Golf Clubs in cool, blustery and sometimes wet conditions. She bested competitors from…
2022 Black Friday Hickory Golf at Foster Links
Black Friday Foster Friendly Presented by NW Hickory Players Sandy and Jimmy Bucher invite you out for a stress-free, friendly hickory round at Foster Golf Links in Tukwila, WA. Tee times start at 10:00 AM with room for 24 players. The course restaurant will be open post-round for some warm food and hickory player camaraderie. Pay at the course: 18 walking $32.00 18 Senior-rate walking $27.00 Cart shared $18.00 per rider, or solo $28.00 Thank you to Sandy and Jimmy Bucher, hosts!
2022 C.O.W. Cup | November 5 & 6
2022 COW Cup – November 5 & 6, 2022 Centennial Golf Club, Medford, Oregon COW Cup Returns to Centennial GC After Three Year Hiatus! Hickory players from California, Oregon, and Washington (and other states) are invited to the 5th Annual COW Cup. In the tradition of the Ryder Cup, the team from California is matched against the team from Oregon and Washington. Join us for the most fun hickory event of the year! SATURDAY, Nov 5 – Tee times start at 11:00 a.m. — Chapman format — Teams of two hit tee shots, and then play second shots hitting their partner’s balls. After both players’ second shots, the…
Scotland Bound for the World Hickory Open
Western Gailes near Glasgow A handful of NWHP loyalists will be venturing over to Britain for 21 days of sheer links golfing pleasure, highlighted by three days at the 2022 World Hickory Open, held at Royal Dornoch, Nairn, and Castle Stuart. Those on the trip include trip-curator Chuck McCollom, master of ceremonies and veteran of Scottish golf excursions, Martin Pool, Roberta Robbins, John Henry Williams, Robert Birman, Ken Coleman, Kurt Olsen, Deal Hudson, and Tom and Sue Tracy who will link up with the travelling band for 5-7 days in the middle of the itinerary. (The Tracys are members of Tain Golf Club and are spending close to…
RIP Rick “Tuna” Williams
We’re heartbroken to announce that our friend and colleague, Rick “Tuna” Williams passed away, unexpectedly, on Wednesday of this week. He was the recent net division winner of the Statesmen division at the Gearhart Golf Links Hickory Classic; a fitting high point to go out on, if we do say so ourselves. Tuna was beloved by all and a spirited advocate for the game. His closest friend, Steve “Dog” Franich, with whom he served in Vietnam, will dedicate this month’s event at Trophy Lake Golf and Casting Club in his memory. We will miss you, Tuna! Well played. #RIP Rick will be interred at Arlington National Cemetery on October 3rd,…
Foster Fourball | July 31
Foster Fourball is Back! By popular demand, the two-person best ball competition, traditionally known as fourball, is returning to Foster Golf Links on Sunday, July 31. We have six tee times reserved with the first tee time going off at 10:08 a.m. Green fees are $43 walking. We will also be collecting $20 from each player for competition with $5 going to the Northwest Hickory Players treasury to support its operation and the remainder being paid out to the winning teams. Space is limited to the first 24 players to sign up, so sign up early!
2022 Washington State Hickory Championship: Sept 16 & 17
Friday September 16, 2022 and Saturday September 17, 2022 Round 1 – Sept. 16, 2022: Wenatchee Country Club (1 p.m. start) Round 2 – Sept. 17, 2022: Leavenworth Golf Course (9 a.m. start) Entries limited to the first 24 players! 8/2/22 UPDATE: FIELD IS FULL. WAITLIST ONLY AT THIS POINT. $198.00 (includes greens fee and awards) Wenatchee CC – carts provided Leavenworth GC – $18/cart rider – pay at the course Awards for 1st and 2nd Low Gross and Net Winners for Men’s divisions, awards for 1st Low Gross and Net for Women. Hosted by John Quickstad. For lodging options, CLICK HERE. SCHEDULE: Friday – September 16 – Wenatchee CC…
Saturday, August 27 – Trophy Lake Golf and Casting Club, Port Orchard
From its quaint, fishing lodge-style clubhouse to its celebrated golf course, Trophy Lake Golf & Casting is a magnificent collaboration of nature and design, capturing the spirit and tradition of the Pacific Northwest. The celebration of two of the Pacific Northwest’s most popular activities – golf and fishing – enhance the experience and create a resort feel that allows guests to truly escape and enjoy. Located just 15 minutes from the Seattle ferry landing and 30 minutes from Tacoma, Trophy Lake is convenient from all areas of the sound. Hosted by Steve Franich and Rick Williams, Northwest Hickory Players is pleased to host its annual hickory “invitational” outing at Trophy…
2022 Washington Classic Golf Invitational
NWHP Disclaimer: Playing golf with post-1935 equipment may be damaging to your health. Ever wonder why top professionals like Tiger and Ricky practice with persimmon clubs? It sharpens their ball striking and it’s fun as hell. Have some classic clubs? Dust them off, Windex the grips and come out and play. Don’t have a set but want some? eBay is your destination – entire sets for under $100. Want to play and don’t have a set? Sign up and let us know – some of us have more than one set so we can share. Sign up today and get ready to have a blast. Room for 20 Players 5…
2022 Goose Cup: Register Now for Match Play
Hosted by: Goose Guenette Tournament Director: Goose Guenette The Goose Cup is a 16 player individual match play tournament to be played over the 2022 NWHP season. All rounds will be played at a course mutually chosen by the players involved. The players will be arranged by SOHG handicap index and matches assigned to minimize strokes given. The intention is to encourage NWHP play between scheduled events and around scheduled events. USGA rules of golf in effect. Observe local rules in effect for play on the day of your match. Preferred lies are not allowed unless stipulated as a local rule on the day of play. Embedded ball rule in…
Swinging for the Roses – May 22
The Northwest Hickory Players’ Portland Affiliates will host “Swinging for the Roses,” an 18-hole outing on Sunday, May 22, at the Rose City Golf Course in Portland. They have room for 24 players starting at 11 a.m. Players can pay their fee at the clubhouse. FULL FIELD Built in 1923, the course is the second oldest municipal course in the city and state. Located in the center of northeast Portland neighborhoods, Rose City GC is a classic, tree-lined course that is both playable and challenging for players at all levels. Recent renovations have improved conditions and year-round playability at Rose City. Historically, the property has seen a progression of use…
Limited Edition Enamel Pin
We have a limited edition NWHP enamel pin; only 50 made. The pin features the silhouette of the great Allan Robertson and has a magnetic back. Great for your Sunday bag, or flat cap! Available while supplies last. $5.00 plus S&H. Far and Sure! Click below to purchase.
Gearhart Hickory Classic: July 18-20
The Historic Gearhart Golf Links, Gearhart, Oregon is the site for this 36-hole, two-day event presented by the Northwest Hickory Players. There will be 4 divisions for competition–Open Championship, Senior (60 and over), Woman’s and Super-Senior (over 70), with gross and net awards in all divisions. All divisions will play 18 holes medal play each day to determine a winner. 6/29/22 UPDATE: FIELD IS NEARLY FULL. MAX IS 52 PLAYERS. RSVP NOW. ORGANIZER WILL KEEP A WAITLIST. There will be an informal trade show Tuesday before the round and a dinner will follow the Tuesday round as well. An Award Ceremony will follow play on Wednesday. Play is scheduled for…
There was no joy in Skagit County: A History of their Links
There was no joy in Skagit County in 1916. “Skagit County claims the best fishing in the state, its climate is unexcelled, the crops there grow almost overnight and tourists come in flocks to admire the scenery, yet the joy of residents still is incomplete – they have no golf links.” (Seattle Times 6-14-1916) With those words, Frank Hall, a local businessman dealing in sports equipment, joined with others to organize a golf club in Skagit County in the latter part of 1916. Twenty-five residents met on December 1, 1916 and formed a temporary organization called the Skagit County Country and Golf Club. They elected Wilbra Coleman, a prominent local…
This has to be read to be believed
The historic matches played by Allan Robertson and Tom Morris are well known to many. Yet, somehow, rereading this contemporary account, stirs the soul in even the most hardened heart. [I note, as well, that Sir David Baird, first captain of North Berwick Golf Club and featured player in “The Golfers” of Charles Lees, served as umpire for this event.] Dundee, Perth, and Cupar Advertiser Tuesday, August 21, 1849 GREAT GOLF MATCH A previous number of our Paper we gave a short account of this match. We now give it more fully from the Montrose Standard of Friday last, as follows: The return match between Allan Robertson and Tom Morris…
Captured In Time: The Enigmatic Artist Charles Lees
Charles Lees was born in 1800 in Cupar, Fife. And while digital maps don’t offer an option to calculate the distance (in time) from Cupar to The Old Course by carriage, on foot it is three hours, and by motorcar (sadly, invented six years after Lees’ death in 1880), it would have taken only 15 minutes. However, it must be said, Charles Lees was not a golfer. But he would leave—for history—a seven-foot incandescent canvas with one of the most iconic and emblematic portraits ever made of the game, in 1847, immortalizing the 1844 Grand Match at St. Andrews, entitled, “The Golfers.” As a young man, Charles Lees trained as…
Since 1735: The Royal Burgess Society
The Society of Golfers in and around Edinburgh, known today as The Royal Burgess Golfing Society of Edinburgh, is widely recognized as the oldest Golf Club in the world. The earliest Members formed a competitive and spirited Society, playing golf for wagers and enjoying a lively social life. Playing at Bruntsfield Links, their adopted clubhouses were popular ‘howffs’ such as Maggie Johnstone’s, or later at Golfhall on the Links where Thomas Comb, clubmaker, established his workshop, sharing the premises with a golfers’ tavern. During the 1760’s the Society’s fortunes became increasingly precarious until the membership stirred itself and a resurgence followed with the addition of 16 new Members in 1773.…
NWHP Featured on Golf Channel
SoHG board member and NWHP co-founder, Robert Birman, was invited to talk about hickory golf on Golf Today, a flagship show of The Golf Channel, hosted by Damon Hack and Shane Bacon. The original air date was December 13, 2021. Images shown in the interview are from the Society’s 2021 U.S. Hickory Open at Gearhart Golf Links. Interest in the game is growing and we’re always grateful to have international coverage for the appeal and lure of the game. The full interview is available here.
2021 U.S. Hickory Open featured
on Fried Egg PodcastGarrett Morrison from The Fried Egg Podcast (click link, left, to listen) featured the 2021 U.S. Hickory Open in the latest edition of Fried Egg Stories, a feature-length episode with interviews with sundry members at Gearhart Golf Links and a brief, post-round, interview with the 2021 champion, Andrew Von Lossow. Morrison, a resident of Oregon, spent the final day of the event walking the grounds, following the leaders, and checking in with event organizers to curate a compelling and audio-rich tour of what proved to be a magical day for the players, one and all. The Fried Egg is where golf tragics unite to delve deeper into the game. In addition to the pods,…
The 12 Days of Gearhart: 2021 U.S. Hickory Open
NWHP played host to 120 players from the U.S. and Canada at the 2021 U.S. Hickory Open at Gearhart Golf Links on the coast of Oregon. Below is a collection of photographs from the spectacular week! Click the blue Facebook icon on the upper right of any post to view the details!